Are you the type of person who always completes everything on your plate? 

Well, it is a good habit, but if the amount of food in question is more than required, then you might be consuming more food than you need. Hence leading to overeating. 

Now, What exactly is overeating? 

Overeating is basically when a person consumes more food than their body needs for energy. Generally, have food to get energy and maintain stable health from the nutrients. But when the amount of food is more than normal, then the person is consuming extra, which the body does not require at the given point in time. 

And why is overeating a problem?

When a person consumes more amount of food, it often leads to an excessive intake of calories. Now this excess of calories is stored as fat in their body, hence causing weight gain.  Overeating can also lead to various other health issues such as obesity, and diabetes. With higher calorie content, it is possible to have high cholesterol too, which can lead to heart diseases. 

One of the major causes of overeating is lack of portion control in your diet, which is what we are going to discuss at large. 

So, what is portion control? 


As we said, consuming food is not a problem unless it is consumed in the right quantity. That is why knowing how much food you need to consume on a daily basis for your body, is very important. Portion control makes it easier for you to know how much food your body requires, and how many calories are present in each portion. Hence it can be defined as the control over one's diet by consuming the right amount of food required by the body. 

It basically involves: 

  • Managing the quantity of food.
  • Measuring Serving Sizes
  • Helping to avoid overeating.
  • Ensuring a balanced intake of nutrients. 


Now, you might be wondering what is the right way to calculate your portion size.

Here is the answer.

First, let us know the amount of calories required by a person. 




Calories Required

2-4 yrs


5-8 yrs


9-13 yrs


14-18 yrs


19-30 yrs


31-59 yrs


60+ yrs




Calories Required

2-4 yrs


5-8 yrs


9-13 yrs


14-18 yrs


19-30 yrs


31-59 yrs


60+ yrs


Note: Some exceptions like extremely active children, sportspersons, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and athletes would have a different calorie requirement, and therefore must consult a dietician. 

You can also take a look at this: 

Best foods that lower cholesterol. 

Since calculating food can be quite difficult with all the different metric systems….

Here is a good rule of thumb to get the right portion size. 

Cups or Spoons



Hand Measurement

Half a Cup

113.4 Gms

4 oz

One cupped palm

One cup

226.8 Gms

8 oz

Almost your fist

Two Cups

453.6 Gms

16 oz

Both hands cupped together

One Tablespoon

14.2 Gms


Size of the tip of your thumb

One Teaspoon

4.5 Gms

0.16 oz

Size of the tip of your pointer finger


Now that you have an idea about the measurement of food……

Here are 7 tips to control portion sizes.

Use Smaller Plates and Bowls 

One of the simplest and most effective ways to control portions is to use smaller plates and bowls. By using smaller dinnerware, you can naturally limit your food intake without feeling that you are having less. It creates this psychology that you are having the same amount of food as the plate is filled but in actuality, the portion is reduced. 


Measure Your Food According to Your Intake.

Taking the time to measure your food can provide a clearer picture of what constitutes a proper portion. Use measuring cups, spoons, and a food scale to portion out your meals and snacks. You can take a look at the table mentioned above to get an idea of how much food should be consumed and the amount. 


Measure out your snacks as well 

Normally, we indulge a little too much when we are snacking. So it is better to measure it before. For example, a handful of dry fruits and nuts. Snacking can often lead to unintentional overeating, especially when eating directly from a large bag or container. To avoid this, pre-portion your snacks into individual servings. Use small bags or containers to divide larger packages of nuts, chips, or cookies into appropriate serving sizes. 


Cut out sugary drinks 

Beverages can be a hidden source of excess calories, often consumed without much thought. Sodas, juices, alcohol, and even some flavored coffees are the main reasons behind your daily calorie intake. To practice portion control with drinks, measure out servings and be mindful of portion sizes. Or just drink water. It not only hydrates you but also helps with excess food consumption. 


Fill up Your plate with vegetables. 

Vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber. This makes them an excellent choice to be the larger portion on your plate. By dedicating almost half of your plate to vegetables, you can eat larger portions of food while still controlling your calorie intake. This practice not only helps with portion control but also ensures you get a variety of essential nutrients.


Divide your plate. 

Having the right proportion of food on your plate is very important, hence a good rule of thumb is the 4:3:2:1 rule. 

So this rule emphasizes the larger portion to be filled with vegetables as they are low calorie, and high in fiber, the second portion should contain grains and carbohydrates, the third part should contain proteins like pulses, and the last part can contain dairy or any small portion of fat. 

40% of your plate should be sabzi or vegetables

30% should be carbohydrates. 

20% of it can be pulses or protein like chicken eggs or paneer. 

10% may contain papad or curd. 



In conclusion, controlling portion sizes is very important if one is trying to watch and maintain a healthy diet. By understanding your body's calorie needs and practicing strategies, you can effectively manage your food intake. If you are still skeptical about how to adapt to this diet and control your portions, it is advisable to consult a dietician.