Have you ever wondered 

“Am I drinking too much water?”

“What happens if I drink more water than my body needs?” 

“Can too much water harm my body?”

When you are constantly reminded to stay hydrated and keep drinking water, you must have also wondered about the downside of drinking too much water. As much as hydration is the key to having a healthy diet, one must not forget the limits. 

“Sky is the limit.” But not when it comes to health!

So, Let us discuss all the effects of excess water consumption on our body. 

What is the real Importance of Water?

Water is one of the key components of life. It not only forms one of the four elements of the earth but also provides the most important thing to all forms of life. Hydration. Without water, there is no food. When there is no food, there is no life. But even when we water the plant a little more than required, it dies, so how come we don’t expect the same from human beings? 

About 70% of our human body is constituted by water. Therefore water plays a very vital role in various bodily functions. 

These Functions include:

The regulation of body temperature.

Maintaining the viscosity of blood

Transporting nutrients and waste throughout the body

A good rule of thumb is to drink about 8 glasses of water a day, although this can vary based on factors like age, sex, weight, and physical activity levels. 

But what if you drink more than usual? Here’s what happens.

Water Intoxication

So what is the Science Behind this “Water Intoxication” in the Body?

The main reason why we drink water is the output of waste from our bodies through urine. This is done through the kidneys. On days when we drink too much water, our kidneys become unable to expel it. After the extra water has been stored in the body, it results in a condition called water intoxication, or hyponatremia. It occurs when the sodium content of your blood reaches perilously low levels, which is an electrolyte that plays a crucial role in controlling the balance of water within and surrounding your cells.

Now, here are the common symptoms of water intoxication

  • One might feel nauseated and sense vomiting

  • You might have headaches

  • You might feel disoriented or feel dizzy

  • Experiencing Muscle Cramps

.Severe Cases: When Things Get Dangerous

In the worst cases, water intoxication will lead to seizure, becoming unconscious, and can eventually lead to death. This is very rare, although it gives the importance of awareness regarding this condition to maintain a good balance.

Why Do Some People Drink Excessive Amounts of Water?

The reasons for high water intake are numerous: some athletes, above all those who are endurance athletes, might overhydrate with the intention of staying ahead of dehydration; some medical conditions like diabetes insipidus may cause abnormal and great thirst and intake of water; some persons may drink too much water excessive due to misinformation or some wrong belief that it helps to lose weight or detoxify.

Now, let us discuss some solutions.

Check the color of your urine

One of the easiest tests of how well you're hydrating. Light yellow means you're adequately hydrated, while dark yellow indicates that you should drink more water. If your urine is clear, that's a potential indicator of overhydration.

Consider Your Activity Level: 

If you are exercising or spending time in hot weather, you will need more water than on an inactive day.

Eat Water-Rich Foods:

Some fruits and vegetables contain water and will contribute to your fluid intake. particularly watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, and strawberries.

Avoid Drinking Large Amounts of Water at One Time: 

Sip on water throughout the day as opposed to drinking large quantities in one sitting.


If you have any of the symptom common or have observed any common symptoms in someone, do seek a doctor.