You have vitamin E deficiency so you are having hair and skin problems!

Did your doctor tell you this? Yes, due to vitamin E deficiency, you may have hair fall, acne, etc….

But, you will be having doubts like vitamin E? Why it is essential for my skin and hair?

We are here to help you out with this. In this blog, we will be exploring everything about vitamin E foods and their benefits for our skin and hair.

Now let's understand why vitamin E is essential:

Firstly vitamin E is an antioxidant that is responsible for protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals. There are several forms of vitamin E but alpha-tocopherol is the one that is present in the human body.There are several vitamin E products available for our skin and hair along with foods. 

“The recommended dietary allowance for vitamin E is 15mg.”

Benefits of vitamin E:


Healthy skin:

Healthy skinVitamin E helps in maintaining healthy skin by protecting skin from oxidative stress and giving a bright youthful appearance to your skin. Also, vitamin E is essential for fighting against UV damage and skin inflammation by giving a healthy and glowing appearance.


Healthy hair:

Healthy hairAs mentioned above vitamin E reduces oxidative stress and improves scalp health for healthy and shiny hair. Due to its antioxidant nature, vitamin E improves blood circulation in the scalp by nourishing the hair follicles. It provides moisturization by eliminating dryness. Vitamin E is best known for repairing damaged hair, preventing split ends, and better hair growth. Vitamin E plays a key role in maintaining healthy hair.


Healthy heart:

Healthy heartOxidative stress is one of the main reasons for heart problems; vitamin E reduces that. Also, vitamin E reduces inflammation which is also one of the risk factors for heart problems. And according to a few studies vitamin E helps to maintain cholesterol levels by preventing the oxidation of  LDL cholesterol, the main step in the development of atherosclerosis. 


Immune function:

Immune functionVitamin E neutralizes the free radicals that damage the cells and weaken the immune function. This protection helps to maintain the immune function in the body. Also, it improves the ability to respond to pathogens and boosts the functioning of T cells improving immunity.


Healthy eyes:

Healthy eyesOrgans in the eyes such as the retina, lens, and other tissues in the eye are easily susceptible to damage caused by free radicals. As mentioned above vitamin E neutralizes the free radicals that protect eyes from damage and reduce the risk of certain eye diseases. As per a few reports age-related eye problems are also controlled by a combination of vitamin E with other antioxidants such as zinc and copper. Also, vitamin E delays the formation of cataracts by protecting lens proteins from oxidative damage.


Vitamin E-rich foods:



Vitamin E content (In mg per 100 gm)

Wheat germ oil


Sunflower seeds 






Pine nuts













Vitamin E foods for skin:

Here are the foods that are rich in vitamin E and are helpful for healthy and radiant skin.


AlmondsAlmonds are rich in vitamin E and are responsible for moisturizing and supple skin. They help in keeping the skin soft and moisturized by preventing dryness. By reducing the oxidative stress it eliminates the fine lines and wrinkles. Also, it encourages overall skin tone reducing the appearance of scars and stretch marks on the skin.



Sunflower seeds:

Sunflower seedsSunflower seeds can be incorporated into your diet in several ways such as in smoothies, garnishing on salads, etc. They repair the damaged skin and help with rejuvenation of the skin. It balances the oil in the skin by keeping the skin hydrated and reducing dryness.




AvocadoVitamin E content in the avocado is proven to best help with the problem of dryness of the skin and also provides elasticity to the skin.



SpinachSpinach is also rich in vitamin E along with rich iron content that helps the skin reduce the signs of aging and promotes skin healing and repair due to wounds, sunburns, or scars. Also, it helps in reducing inflammation, redness, and eczema.

Also, read more haircare blogs to control hair fall and have a strong and healthy hair.

Vitamin E foods for hair:

Vitamin E also helps in maintaining a healthy hair.  Here is the list of vitamin E foods that should be included in your diet for strong and healthy hair:

Wheat germ oil:

Wheat germ oilWheat germ oil is rich in vitamin E which is responsible for strong and shiny hair. It provides excellent moisturization to the hair by making it easily manageable.  It nourishes the hair strands and scalp by promoting healthy hair growth. Also, it repairs the damaged hair follicles by eliminating split ends.




HazelnutsHazelnuts are responsible for preventing hair breakage and split ends. They help in nourishing the scalp's health by promoting blood circulation. Eliminate hair fall by promoting thicker hair with Hazelnuts. 




KiwiKiwi helps maintain scalp health and is best known for moisture retention that prevents dryness in the hair and scalp. It can protect hair from damage caused by pollutants and UV rays.

Do check out our latest blogs on skincare.

Therefore, including these foods in your diet can help you to gain strong hair and healthy skin. Having a good knowledge of the foods rich in vitamin E can best help you with all the benefits required for your hair and skin.