Are you dealing with low RBC(red blood cell count)?

Or are you dealing with the problem of weak muscles and numbness?

If yes, this is due to vitamin B12 deficiency!

Vitamin B12? Yes, you have a deficiency of vitamin B12.

What do you think I should do now?

You need to include vitamin B12 foods into your diet. Now, what are the foods rich in vitamin B12?

Don’t worry we will be providing you with a list of vitamin B12 foods that benefit us in many ways. But before going into the foods, we need to understand

What is vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 can also be called cobalamin and that is essential for us as it plays an important role in the body by increasing the production of red blood cells, DNA synthesis, and boosting the function of the nervous system. Most vitamins are produced by plants and animals but vitamin B12 is produced by bacteria that are found mainly in animal-derived foods which might make it hard for vegans and vegetarians to include vitamin B12 in their diet. So now what amount of vitamin B12 is necessary for healthy functioning of the body?

Recommended dietary intake of vitamin B12:

Age Group

Recommended Vitamin B12

0-12 months

0.4 - 0.5 mg

1-8 years

0.9 - 1.2 mg

9-18 years

1.2 - 2.4 mg

19-50 years

2.4 mg

51+ years

2.4 mg

Pregnant women 


Breastfeeding women


Benefits of vitamin B12:


Red blood cell formation:

The first and crucial role of vitamin B12 is with red blood cell formation, vitamin B12 is necessary for the production of red blood cells that are essential to transport oxygen to the entire body.

Neurological function:

Vitamin B12 is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and the brain. Vitamin B12 is also essential for memory and cognitive function.

Prevents birth defects:

Vitamin B12 is also known to prevent birth defects in newborns. A deficiency of B12 can lead to premature birth and neural tube defects.

As per a few reports women who have a deficiency of vitamin B12 may experience their kids having birth defects. 

Bone health:

People who have a deficiency of vitamin B12 will have decreased mineral content thereby Weakened bones or osteoporosis

Additionally, vitamin B12 helps maintain skin and hair health, energy boosting, reducing depression problems.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency:


Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to several complications such as:


Vitamin B12 deficiency symptom



Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to reduced production of red blood cells that can cause anemia with certain symptoms such as fatigue and weakness.

Neurological problems

Another deficiency symptom of vitamin B12 is neurological problems with certain symptoms such as tingling, numbness, difficulty walking, memory loss, and confusion.

Mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are one of the common problems experienced by several people by inflammation of the tongue and mouth ulcers causing pain and discomfort.

Mental health problems 

Most of the people who have vitamin B12 experience the problem of mood swings such as depression and anxiety.

Heart problems People who have severe deficiency of vitamin B12 may have an increased risk of heart problems.

Digestive problems

So, last but not least vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to digestion issues such as nausea, constipation, and loss of appetite.


How vitamin B12 can be incorporated into the diet?


The top sources of vitamin B12 are diet and supplements.

Dietary sources of vitamin B12:






Fortified Cereals

Chicken, Liver



Plant-based milk(Soy milk)




Nutritional yeast








Top 5  vitamin B12 supplements:


People who can not get enough amount of vitamin B12 from their diet can include supplements such as:


1)Simply Herbal Plant-Based Vitamin B12 Capsules:

Simply Herbal Plant-Based Vitamin B12 CapsulesSimple herbal plant-based supplements are one of the best sources of vitamin B12 that are suitable for vegans and vegetarians,  as these are derived from natural sources and are suitable for supporting energy levels, cognitive functions, and maintaining the count of red blood cells. 



2)AJUS B12 Green Food Powder 100 Gems:

AJUS B12 Green Food Powder 100 GemsThe AJUS B12 powder can be mixed with smoothies and juices for daily consumption and it helps in the overall functioning of the body by supporting metabolism.

Few people require B12 in powder form instead of capsules for their convenience, so vitamin B12 is most helpful for them.



3)Himalayan Organics Plant-Based Vitamin B12 Supplement:

Himalayan Organics Plant-Based Vitamin B12 SupplementHimalayan Organics is also one of the famous brands that supplies plant-based vitamin B12 supplements that support energy production, improve nervous functioning, and solve the problem of mood swings. Along with that, this supplement has a lot of benefits such as it provides glowing skin for both men and women, assists in detoxification, supports the immune system, reduces oxidative stress,  and is best suited for people with dietary restrictions. 



4)Rasayanam Plant-Based Vitamin B12 Supplement for Men & Women:

Rasayanam Plant-Based Vitamin B12 Supplement for Men & WomenAs it's named it is suitable for both men and women and also deals with the problem of deficiencies associated with a vegetarian and vegan diet.

Rasayanam Vitamin b12 supplements contain wheatgrass, moringa, alfalfa, amla, & beetroot which are best helpful in converting food to cellular energy without storing fat.

The important functions of these supplements are that they support metabolism, and DNA synthesis and help in the production of red blood cells. It can be consumed daily. 



5)Carbamide Forte Vitamin B12 Tablets 1500 mcg:

Carbamide Forte Vitamin B12 Tablets 1500 mcgFor people who have severe vitamin B12 deficiency the carbamide B12 tablets may best helpful as they provide 1500mcg of vitamin B12 per tablet that can solve the deficiency problem providing an adequate amount of vitamin B12.

These tablets are known to help brain function, maintain healthy brain cells, and reduce overall fatigue. Vitamin B12 supplements ease your stomach problems and support digestive function. Along with that these tablets also help support nerve function, boost energy, and the production of red blood cells.



Read more on diet


This is everything you need to know about vitamin B12, its health benefits, deficiency symptoms, and the top best supplements of vitamin B12 that are available in the market. Understanding the dietary requirements of vitamin B12 will help you to incorporate them into your daily diet routine on a needed basis and consult with a dietician for additional queries that can be helpful to include in your diet as per your health condition.