I’m gaining weight all of a sudden!

But don’t you have any idea regarding the cause of your weight gain?

Yes! So, there might be several reasons for your weight gain all of a sudden which we will be understanding in this blog.

Sudden weight gain:

Gaining weight for about 1-3 kg in three days is common and can be ignored but if you are someone who gained weight 5-10 pounds in a few months without any changes in your diet or lifestyle habits can be a thing to be noticed for.


Causes of unintentional weight gain:

Hormonal Imbalances

We all have a basic idea that hormones are necessary for essential functions in the body such as regulating metabolism, appetite, and fat storage. So, hormonal imbalances such as thyroid disorders(hypothyroidism), insulin resistance,  cortisol imbalance, and estrogen fluctuations can be a reason for unexplained or sudden weight gain. So have a medical check-up if you observe yourself with any other symptoms along with weight gain.

Medication Side Effects

Medication side effectsYou might have heard from a few people that medicines can lead to weight gain. Yes, medication such as antidepressants like certain SSRIs and SNRIs can lead to weight gain. And antipsychotics such as olanzapine and risperidone are known to cause weight gain. Along with these corticosteroids can increase appetite and lead to fluid retention which is one of the contributors to weight gain. Also, birth control pills can cause weight gain due to water retention.

Sleep Disorders

There are sleeping disorders such as sleep apnea that can cause daytime fatigue and lead to weight gain and chronic insomnia affects hormone levels related to hunger and satiety that are also contributors to weight gain.

Heart problems

Not in all cases your weight gain can be related to heart problems but as per a study by the American Heart Association weight gain of more than 2-3 pounds in one day can be considered a symptom of heart failure.

Gut Health Issues

A few gut issues such as imbalances in the gut microbiota can be a reason for your weight gain. Gut issues such as dysbiosis and leaky gut syndrome can cause weight gain as a symptom because of appetite regulation and increased intestinal permeability.

Medical Conditions

Medical ConditionsAs mentioned above hormonal imbalances such as PCOS, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are conditions that can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance.

Hypothyroidism can also lead to weight gain due to slow metabolism. Some metabolic disorders such as Cushing’s syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome can be the causes of weight gain and obesity.

Highly processed foods

If you are someone who is consuming more processed foods and packaged foods that might be a reason for weight gain because they have high-calorie density that can lead to weight gain, they have high added sugars and unhealthy fats that can also contribute to weight gain. Also, there may be additives such as high fructose corn syrup and preservatives that are known to disrupt the metabolism and appetite which can lead to weight gain.


SmokingDon’t be astonished to know how smoking is related to weight gain, but yes when people who regularly smoke stop taking tobacco products then it can lead to sudden weight gain because nicotine can increase metabolism in people by reducing their appetite. So, the person who stopped smoking may feel more hungry and overeat contributing to weight gain.

Kidney problems

Kidney problems can also be associated with weight gain especially when you gain weight and swelling seen in the legs, feet or ankles can be a reason for kidney failure and nephrotic syndrome.

End note

So if you have gained weight all of a sudden then observe yourself with other symptoms along with weight gain that match with any symptom of a health issue then it might be the time for you to consult the healthcare professional to avoid any further complications.