Imagine a world where taste buds dance to the rhythm of health, where every bite is a celebration of well-being. Welcome to the vibrant universe of low-calorie fruits! These juicy gems not only tantalize your taste buds but also nourish your body with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. So, let’s embark on a fruity adventure, exploring ten easily available, mouthwatering fruits that won’t tip the calorie scale.

List of fruits and their calorie content:




Apple A mere 32kcal per 100gm apple
Blackberry  Only 29kcal per 100 grams
Strawberry  A mere 30kcal per 100 grams
Watermelon  Around 30kcal per 100 grams
Kiwi Approximately 61kcal per 100 grams
Papaya Around 43kcal per 100 grams
Cantaloupe  Approximately 34kcal per 100 grams
Raspberries  Just 53kcal per 100 grams
Orange Approximately 43kcal per 100 grams
Guava  Approximately 70kcal per 100gm


Apples: The Doctor’s Whisper

ApplesOne apple = one serving

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and the weight off! Nutrient-rich apples contain quercetin, a flavonoid that may lower the risk of chronic diseases. Plus, they’re high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Whether you munch on a crisp apple or stew it for a guilt-free dessert, this fruit is a nutritional superstar 1.

Blackberries: Tiny Powerhouses

Blackberries Nine blackberries = one serving

Blackberries are like flavor-packed jewels. With their deep color, they boast antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C. These little wonders support weight loss and add a burst of sweetness to your day. Scatter them over yogurt, blend them into smoothies, or enjoy them straight from the punnet.

Strawberries: Nature’s Sweet Kiss 

StrawberriesA handful of strawberries = one serving

Strawberries are the epitome of summer. Their vibrant red hue hides a treasure trove of vitamin C, manganese, and antioxidants. These luscious berries may reduce hunger and keep you feeling full. Add them to your morning cereal, toss them into salads, or savor them as a guilt-free dessert.

Watermelon: Hydration in Every Slice

WatermelonA juicy wedge = one serving

Watermelon is summer’s juicy gift. It’s not just hydrating but also rich in vitamins A and C. The best part? It’s like eating sweet, refreshing water. Slice it, chill it, and let its juicy goodness quench your thirst and satisfy your sweet tooth.

Kiwifruit: The Green Dynamo

KiwifruitA couple of kiwifruits = one serving

Kiwifruit packs a punch! Bursting with vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber, it’s a nutritional powerhouse. The fuzzy skin hides a vibrant green flesh that’s both tangy and sweet. Scoop, slice, or blend it into smoothies for a zesty twist.

Papaya: Tropical Delight

PapayaA generous slice = one serving

Papaya, the tropical sunrise on your plate! It’s rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and digestive enzymes. The orange flesh is sweet, juicy, and oh-so-refreshing. Enjoy it as a standalone snack or blend it into a tropical smoothie for a taste of paradise.

Cantaloupe: Melon Magic

CantaloupeA melon wedge = one serving

Cantaloupe, the sweet melon with a floral aroma! It’s a vitamin A and vitamin C powerhouse. Slice it into wedges, scoop out the seeds, and relish its juicy sweetness. Perfect for breakfast or as a refreshing dessert after a meal.

Raspberries: Tangy Treasures

RaspberriesA handful of raspberries = one serving

Raspberries are like nature’s confetti. They’re low in calories but high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Pop them into your mouth, scatter them over oatmeal, or layer them in a yogurt parfait. Each tiny berry bursts with flavor and health benefits.

Oranges: Sunshine in Slices

OrangesOne juicy orange = one serving

Oranges are the golden globes of vitamin C. They’re not just for breakfast—enjoy them anytime! Peel them, segment them, or squeeze them

Guava: The vitamin queen

GuavaA half-moon piece = One serving

Rice in vitamin C fiber and antioxidants. One guava per day helps to almost meet the 30% of the fiber requirement.

Read more on diet.


Keep in mind that a diet should encompass both high-calorie and low-fat foods. You can maintain a healthy weight by including these fruits and vegetables in your diet. Enjoy your meal!