Acne is the skin problem that is being seen by most of the people all over. While several factors can greatly help in controlling acne, home remedies can also best help in controlling the acne on your skin. "When the hair follicles present on the surface of our skin are clogged with oil or dead skin cells acne occurs."The acne on the skin may be seen in different forms as pimples and clogged pores or else as white heads and are seen on the face, neck, chest, back, or maybe on the shoulders. Sebum, micro-organisms, certain food items, and conditions such as pregnancy, menstruation, popping existing pimples, cleaning or rubbing your skin harshly, smoking, and makeup like oil-based products can be the most common causes of acne on your skin. Here are a few home remedies that are known to help you get rid of acne and provide you with healthy and glowing skin.

Home remedies to control acne:


1)Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar for acneApple cider vinegar is best known for its nature to kill bacteria, and virus that causes acne while it may not be suitable for all skin types and may cause irritation. Apple cider vinegar contains citric acid that can help reduce acne in most people. Apply this on your face by mixing a spoonful along with water, use more water if you have sensitive skin, and then wash your face with water, do this two to three times a day for best results.



Certain oils(tea-tree oil and coconut oil) have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that can best help in reducing acne. Apply it on the face by mixing in a 1:9 ratio i.e., one part of the oil with 9 parts of water for healthy and glowing skin without acne. This also helps to reduce redness on the face and inflammation caused due to pimples.


3)Aloe vera:

Aloe Vera ImageAlovera helps for glowing skin in many ways, it also helps to reduce acne as it contains sulfur and salicylic acid. Apply fresh aloe vera gel from the plant or else you can get one directly from the store, and get acne-free skin. Do not combine aloe vera with tea-tree oil as it is known in a few studies that it increases acne.



Honey has antioxidant properties that reduce acne and the clogged pores on the skin's surface. Apply a pinch of honey on your skin where the acne is present and let it dry, after an hour rinse off your face with warm water that also helps in eliminating excess dirt and impurities on the surface of your skin.



Zinc helps in reducing acne scars and redness on your skin due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming zinc supplements reduces acne but it may trigger gut and stomach problems so, do have a doctor's suggestion before consuming it orally.  

6)Lemon juice:

Lemon juice to control acne

Lemon can also best help in reducing acne on the skin due to its exfoliating nature. Apply the mixture of a half-squeezed lemon and rose water on the areas with acne on the skin and wash it off after 30 minutes that not only helps with acne but also in controlling pimples on your face. 


7) Toothpaste: 

Applying toothpaste can also help in reducing acne but it is not advised to use it as a long-term solution, applying a pinch of toothpaste on your acne-affected area can treat the acne and the acne scars.


8)Green tea:

While results can vary from person to person, green tea helps in reducing acne as it contains polyphenols due to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying the green tea solution(boiled and cooled) is a well-known solution to reduce the problem of acne.



Turmeric to control acneAs most people know turmeric contains a compound called curcumin that has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can reduce the problem of acne due to its nature.



Acne problems can also be solved by changing a few lifestyle habits such as eating a healthy diet, staying hydrated, managing the problem of stress, and using acne control products that are suitable for your skin type. Also, do visit a dermatologist for any of your skin concerns.