Nasal passages play an important role in our everyday life which helps us to breathe,  inhale, exhale, and filter out all the dust particles or impurities that enter through the nasal passages. Most importantly they help us to smell. In these nasal passages, a few small issues like nasal congestion and nasal polyps may arise which are not that big issues to panic, but need attention to manage those conditions.

(1)Nasal Congestion:

A stuffy nose and blocked nasal passages are the main characteristics of nasal congestion that occur when tissues in the nasal lining become swollen and infected. The infection may be due to several factors such as:

Viral Infections such as the common cold, flu, allergies, sinusitis, and a few irritants or chemical exposure can cause nasal congestion.

nasal congestion images

Symptoms of Nasal Congestion:


Difficulty in breathing or breathlessness.

Loss of smell and taste.

Dripping down of Mucus.

Sinus Pain.

Sleep disturbances and snoring.

Nasal Congestion Treatment:

Treatment options available for nasal congestion depend on the severity of the problem:

1) A nasal decongestant a spray or oral medication can help to provide great relief by shrinking swollen nasal tissues. However, prolonged use of nasal decongestant sprays can result in rebound congestion, so they must be used sparingly.

2)Antihistamines: For congestion due to allergic reactions, antihistamines can assist by reducing the blockage of the release of histamines in the body.

3)Using a saline nasal spray, nasal irrigation can help flush out mucus and alleviate congestion.

saline solution for nasal congestion

4)Steam Inhalation: Inhaling steam from a bowl of warm water or the usage of a humidifier can help moisten nasal passages and loosen mucus, making it easier to breathe.

5)Nasal corticosteroid sprays can greatly help reduce irritation of nasal passages and provide relaxation for causes of nasal congestion.

6)Home remedies that help with this problem are steam inhalation by adding a little bit of eucalyptus or peppermint, warm compresses, rinsing the nasal passages with saline solution, taking spicy foods, and warm baths can help to get rid of nasal congestion promoting mucus flow or mucus drainage.

(2)Nasal Polyps:

Small soft growths are seen in the nasal passages.

What causes Nasal Polyps?

A few common causes of nasal polyps are: 

Conditions such as rhinitis, sinusitis, or asthma and sensitivity to aspirin or anti-inflammatory tablets (NSAIDs) may irritate the nasal passages, increasing the risk of nasal polyp formation in the nasal passages.

Symptoms of Nasal Polyps:

The most common symptoms of nasal polyps may vary from person to person as this condition is not seen in most people few may experience symptoms such as nasal congestion, snoring, runny nose, and ability to lose smell

Treatment for Nasal Polyps:

Treatment options for nasal polyps mainly focus on reducing the infection, reducing the signs and symptoms, and saving you from recurrence. Depending on the severity of the problem management strategies vary from person to person. The common treatment options include:

1)Prescription nasal corticosteroid sprays are often the first or primary option for the treatment of nasal polyps. These medicines help lessen irritation and lessen the polyp size.

2)In cases of extreme irritation, oral corticosteroids may be prescribed for long-term use to gradually reduce swelling and enhance breathing.

3)Nasal Irrigation: Regular nasal irrigation with a saline solution can help in cleaning mucus and reduce infection inside the nasal passages, stopping polyp recurrence.

nasal irrigation

4)Surgery: When nasal polyps can not be managed with medication, surgical removal of the polyp can be essential. Endoscopic sinus surgery is carried out in the nostrils to remove polyps and improve sinus flow.

5)Home remedies such as nasal rinsing with essential oils such as tea-tree or eucalyptus oil that have anti-inflammatory properties, drinking water by mixing it with one or two spoons of apple cider vinegar, steam inhalation, nasal rinsing with saline solution, incorporation of more turmeric into your diet, intake of garlic and onion into your diet can also help with the treatment of nasal polyps.


Nasal congestion and nasal polyps are commonly seen problems among most people, however, they are not considered harmful until they are severe even after medication. Nasal congestion and nasal polyps can be easily managed by following the home remedies that are mentioned above, if the severity is increased you should consult the doctor as soon as possible and get the treatment done. Proper care and management can reduce the risk of severity and help you in a speedy recovery.