Anxiety and panic disorders can induce a lot of unpleasant symptoms in our bodies. Being unaware that anxiety is the main cause of their symptoms may lead to more problems. Many people have the misconception that their symptoms are caused by an underlying medical illness. This just acts like unnecessary fodder for their stress. A person needs to be aware of the bodily symptoms of anxiety as they might find a way to stop the pattern.

Signs of anxiety imageThese are 8 signs of anxiety that one should not ignore:


Being worried about everything:

Anxiety can emerge as excessive weariness or fear about everyday situations, even if there is little to no reason for this concern. It might be tough to cope especially when one constantly worries about everything. This can adversely interrupt one's everyday routine.  It also becomes evident that anxiety dominates one's mind, making it difficult to concentrate on work or take pauses for relaxation. Anxiety can cause a lot of physical symptoms such as headaches. One might also feel that their muscles have been stiffened, or even feel nauseous.


People with anxiety often feel dizzy or lose their body balance.
Do you often feel like fainting in crowded areas or at places where you are not comfortable at all? Although dizziness can be caused by dehydration as well, anxiety also causes a person to feel dizzy. People often get the misconception that the person might be dehydrated or haven’t had any food, but in actuality, it can be anxiety.

Poor Sleep Schedules:

Poor sleeping habits imageAre you having trouble falling asleep? Do you feel restless throughout the night? Do you stay awake worrying unnecessarily?
A bad sleep regimen is a common symptom of anxiety. Racing thoughts can make it difficult to relax and let all the tension out when one goes to bed. This leads to sleep disturbances and is also an indication that you have anxiety.
Most people try consuming sleeping pills, thinking that this is Insomnia, but it is not the cure. Yes, it can temporarily keep your body at rest, but it doesn’t help with long-term anxiety.

Constant Fear of Nothing:

Do people often say that you are scared for nothing? Or do you find yourself extremely scared to face situations that are not that dangerous?
People with anxiety quite often have an irrational fear of harmless things. It can be a fear to talk to people in public places, commonly known as social anxiety. It can also be a particular feeling of nerves when one is on a pedestal. If you are feeling scared or cannot comprehend how to face situations, then it is probable that you might have anxiety.

Fogging of Brain:

Fogging of brain imageOne can lack focus or have difficulty concentrating if that person has anxiety. People with anxiety have often complained that they cannot focus on their work as their brain is “cloudy.” When one says the word “cloudy” they often mean that they are confused or do not know how to carry out that particular work. They tend to have difficulty in thinking and carrying out other thinking processes as they go about. They could experience numbness and that makes accessing their thoughts or plans harder.

Drastic Loss of Weight:

Since anxiety often causes a “Brain Fog,” people try to overcome it with rigorous workouts or exercise. Constant physical activities help to not think or worry about anything, hence taking people’s minds off of things that worry them.
But it can also cause a vice-versa effect. Normally, people are so preoccupied with their racing thoughts that they tend to forget to have food. So much so that they start skipping meals, resulting in weight loss.

Those were some of the common symptoms of Anxiety.
But if you find yourself having these 2 symptoms listed below, please seek medical attention in an instant.


If a person has shivering hands or any other part of their body, then they need to seek medical help. Anxiety-induced nervousness is common, but if it leads to uncontrollable shivers of the body it eventually leads to the person losing consciousness as their body shakes. This is known as Non Epileptic Seizures or NES.


These seizures are not to be taken lightly, and that person needs to be taken to the psycho-therapist immediately.

Panic Attacks:

Panic AttacksOne of the most serious signs of anxiety is panic attacks. It can be recognized by the series of symptoms:


 Heavy sweating

Shaking of hand

Rapid heart rate.

This frequently happens as a result of a circumstance when the body “panics” and reacts to whatever stimulus sets that individual off.


Anxiety has become quite common among people, and that is why it is important to normalize prioritizing mental health and reaching out to people for help.