Are you sneezing too much in the mornings?

Are you confused about why is that happening?

Do you wanna know more about the remedies to stop this?

You are at the right place. We will help you with this.

There might be several reasons for excessive sneezing in the mornings. Because sneezing is a phenomenon that expels the air forcefully from our nose when foreign particles such as dust, impurities, or irritants enter from our nasal passages, sneezing removes them from entering our nose. So now let's understand the main concept, 

Why do people sneeze excessively in the morning?

Morning sneezingAs we have understood why people sneeze, now let us understand why a few people experience excessive sneezing that too in the mornings. There might be a few factors influencing the morning sneezing such as:


Allergy can be due to dust that may be accumulated in your room overnight, pollen can also cause allergy as it is released from trees, grass, and flowers that are outdoors or indoors mainly during the spring and summer seasons. And pet’s dander or skin flakes can also be a cause of excessive sneezing in the morning.

Dry room:

A dry room lacks moisture, due to which the nasal passages are dried out resulting in irritation and over-sneezing in the morning.


Sinus can also be a reason for excessive sneezing in the morning because due to sinus infection, the sinuses swell more and produce more mucus which results in excessive sneezing. 

Vasomotor rhinitis:

Vasomotor rhinitisYes, vasomotor rhinitis can also be a sign of excessive sneezing because due to vasomotor rhinitis the membranes that are present in the nose inflame due to which the temperature and immune function in the body get changed resulting in over-sneezing. If you are someone having this then long exposure to cold or warm air in the morning can cause over-sneezing in the morning. 

Sun sneezing:

This can also be called a photic sneeze reflex in medical terms where there is a stimulus causing sneezing. This stimulus is characterized by exposure to bright lights or even sunlight that causes a sensation that something is irritating your nose, resulting in sneezing that too while exposed to bright light in the mornings.

We know the causes of excessive sneezing in the morning but how do we manage that? 

How to stop excessive sneezing in the morning?


Keep surroundings clean:

Keep your surroundings clean while sleeping So as mentioned above excessive sneezing in the morning can be a cause of allergens, you need to keep your surroundings and the sleep environment neat and clean so that it'll be hard for the allergens to reach you. Clean your bed area, pets, and the surfaces of your bedroom thoroughly. 

Keep the air moist:

As dry air can irritate your nose, using a humidifier that can keep your air moist mostly during winter can help to control your over-sneezing problem. But make sure you do not over-humidify because that can result in other allergies.


Medications such as antihistamines(to reduce symptoms of allergy), nasal sprays(to reduce inflammation and keep the nasal passages clear), saline sprays(to add moisture to the nasal passages by reducing irritation), and decongestants(to reduce stiffness) help us to solve the problem of over-sneezing in the mornings.

Home remedies:

There are a few home remedies that can help you to reduce excessive sneezing in the mornings:

■Steam inhalation: This is one of the popular methods that can help to clear the nasal passages, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or peppermint oil and inhale the steam from a hot water bowl for relaxation from excessive sneezing. 

■Sleep by elevating your head, you can use an extra pillow as well that can prevent mucous from pooling into your nasal passages.

■Showering or bathing before sleeping can help you to remove the dirt and impurities from your skin and hair thereby keeping you free from allergens.

■Include vitamin-C-rich foods such as oranges, strawberries, and bell peppers that generally act as anti-histamines that can reduce the problem of allergic reactions.

■You can also include herbal teas such as peppermint, chamomile, or ginger,  into your routine that can soothe the irritated nasal passages.

■Also, consuming spicy foods is known to clear the nasal passages by reducing nasal congestion.

Read more on nasal problems


So, if you are someone who is having the problem of excessive sneezing in the mornings, the blog can help you to avoid the things that are caused by excessive sneezing and follow the remedies that can help you to come out of the problem. Follow the proven management techniques and enjoy your healthy and fresh mornings!