Healthy and shiny hair is all we want. Perfect hair enhances your look, boosts your self-esteem, and helps you with a positive lifestyle. But due to the present day pollution and lifestyle changes most of us experience hair fall regularly. Proper care is highly essential for thick and healthy hair. To control the hair fall first we need to know the cause of hair fall.

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What are the causes of hair fall?


 Most of us experience stress for multiple reasons, including work, studies, and personal life issues. So, stress is the main reason for hair fall. You need to control your stress to battle hair loss problems.

(2)Sleeping Schedule

Sleep is another important factor affecting your hair condition, you need to maintain a proper sleep schedule to prevent hair problems. At least 7-9 hours of sleep is highly essential for proper hair care.

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(3)Hormonal changes & Deficiency problems

Medical conditions such as thyroid, PCOS, menopause, and pregnancy may also be a reason for your hair fall. Once your health issues are sorted the hair loss problem can also be reduced. And deficiency problems if your body is deficient in biotin, zinc, and calcium you may experience hair fall problems for that you need to include foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals such as amla, chia seeds, almonds, yogurt, lentils, curry leaves, etc.


 Heredity is also one of the most common causes of hair fall. If people in your family or past generations you also may experience hair loss problems more often.

(5)Hair styling tools

Nowadays we use most of the heat styling products or tools that damage our hair extensively making it rough, frizzy, and damaged with split ends. You need to use a heat-protectant spray or serum to protect your hair from damage or breakage.

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Here are a few hair care tips that you can follow to control your hair fall:

1)Hot oil massage: It helps increase blood circulation in your scalp nourishing the hair follicles and preventing hair breakage. Lukewarm any oil you use for your hair and gently massage with your fingertips for healthy and shiny hair.


2)Most men use caps, hats, or helmets more often wearing them for a long time may result in bad hair condition. As we can not avoid using helmets, try to avoid using hats and caps more often.

3)Avoid tight hairstyles such as ponytails because they won’t allow for proper blood circulation and cause breakage of hair.

4)Using a wide-tooth wooden comb that does not pull off much of your hair helps with hair fall control and encourages hair growth. Do not comb wet hair because hair strands are weaker while wet so first towel dry your hair and then use a comb.


5)Include protein-rich foods into your diet such as eggs, fish, legumes, and nuts and most importantly stay hydrated to control your hair loss and have strong hair growth.


6)You can also use homemade hair masks to nourish your hair and try to wash your hair with soap nuts which are 100% natural and cause no damage to your hair. And coming to oils you can use coconut oil, olive oil, and castor oil for shiny and thick hair which are sulphate and paraben-free.


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We understand that maintaining proper hair care is highly essential in the present day. Now let's know a few most commonly asked questions and myths about hair care.

1)How much hair fall is considered normal?

   If you are having hair loss of 50-100 strands of hair fall every day it's normal, if your hair fall is daily more than 100 up to 200 that is also considered normal hair fall. But if your daily hair fall is 100 strands of hair and you are having more hair fall than that now you need to see a doctor.

2)Trimming frequently doubles my hair growth!

   No, trimming your hair does not double your hair growth, it just removes the split ends. Hair growth occurs at the scalp, not from the roots. So, trimming just maintains healthy hair and does not promote growth.

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3)Does washing your hair with cold water make it shinier?

   Cold water rinsing gives a smoother and shinier appearance but does not give your hair any long-term shine. It is advised to wash your hair with cold water to control frizz and hair fall.

4)Hair dye causes permanent hair damage!

    Hair dye with a high chemical composition may damage your hair to a certain extent. So opt for a dye that has less chemical content & that is suitable for your hair type.


As we are concerned about hair styling or the appearance of our hair more often we need to take care of our hair as well as possible. Follow the above steps regularly to get stronger, shinier, and healthier hair. Book your appointment with three simple steps and plan your consultation at the time that suits you best with our top-rated doctors.