Did you ever hear that jamun seeds can control your blood sugar levels?

What jamun seeds can control blood sugar levels which means diabetes?

Yes, do you wanna know more health benefits of jamun seeds?

Of course, yes, if that can help me to control my diabetes, why not?

So, in this blog, we will be understanding everything regarding the health benefits of jamun seeds.

Jamun(Indian blackberry):

Jamun also called black plum or Indian blackberry has numerous medicinal properties and health benefits. Among all the health benefits jamun seeds are best known for their benefits for diabetic patients. Jamun seeds were also used in Ayurvedic treatment as part of managing diabetes.

Jamun seeds and diabetes management:


Jamun seed benefits

Blood sugar management:

Jamun seeds contain compounds called jambolana and jambosine that are bioactive and known to control blood sugar levels. But are you interested to know how, yes, these bioactive compounds slow down the conversion of starch into sugar which is highly essential to reduce blood sugar levels, particularly after meals?

Insulin sensitivity:

As a part of diabetes management jamun seeds also improve insulin sensitivity, so you need to consume powder form of seeds to utilize glucose efficiently which can be beneficial for people having type-2 diabetes who are insulin resistant.

Antioxidant nature:

There is a common problem with all diabetic patients is oxidative stress. Due to the rich source of antioxidants, they can help to reduce oxidative stress which is a common problem not only with diabetic patients, it is also a problem in cardiovascular and neuropathy patients.


Don’t have any idea what is glycosuria, it's nothing but the excretion of glucose in the form of urine, it is a mostly known symptom in diabetic patients. Jamun seeds help reduce the amount of glucose excreted through urine by maintaining proper blood sugar levels.


Jamun seeds are a good source of fibers that play a key role in the digestion process and help in the gradual release of sugar into your blood by preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.


As we all know chronic inflammation is one the main root causes of developing diabetes, the anti-inflammatory properties that are present in jamun can help in reducing inflammation and encourage overall health.

How jamun seeds should be used for diabetes management?

Jamun seeds🔹There are various forms of jamun seeds that are highly effective in diabetes management such as powders, capsules, and tablets.

🔹Dried jamun seeds can be made into fine powder and can be consumed with water. Generally, it is recommended to take one teaspoon of jamun seed powder twice a day.

🔹You can also mix jamun seed powder in water and leave overnight. This mixture is advised to be consumed on an empty stomach to regulate blood sugar levels.

🔹Also, for those who prefer tablets, the jamun seed extract is available in capsule and tablet forms.

Here is the list of top jamun seed products that are available for diabetic patients:


1)Neutraved gudmar powder:

Neutraved combo gurmar powderThe top product that is best rated for its benefits is the neutraved gudmar powder which is best for diabetes management.

Along with managing blood sugar levels is also helpful in relieving the burning sensation in the stomach by flushing out all harmful free radicals from the body, purifying the blood by cleansing toxins from the body and it also promotes digestive health.



2)Saptamveda natural jamun seed capsule:

Saptamveda natural jamun seed capsuleThe saptamveda natural seed powder capsules are good for diabetic patients. Along with diabetic patients, it can also be recommended for a healthy heart, and liver, and it also promotes digestion by detoxifying the body.

You need to take two capsules i.e., twice a day.

It is 100% organic and vegan.



3)Attar Ayurveda jamun powder for diabetes:

Attar Ayurveda jamun powder for diabetesThe Attar Ayurveda jamun powder is beneficial in several ways such as lowering blood pressure, detoxification of the body, purification of blood, and most importantly it is best helpful in controlling diabetes.

So, you need to use the jamun seed, by mixing one tablespoon of jamun seed powder in water twice a day before meal.

The product is pure and natural as it is prepared by sun-drying organic jamun seeds followed by grinding and filtering the powder. It is free from all types of preservatives and 100% vegan.




As we have understood the benefits of including jamun seed powder in your routine. So, after getting the necessary information consult with your doctor and choose the product that is most suitable for you and have a healthy life.