I'm trying to quit Tobacco but unable to do so!

Did your friend or anyone who you care about forever say this to you?

If yes, then this blog is for you. In this blog, we will be exploring all the harmful effects of tobacco and ways to quit.

Quitting tobacco is one of the most important decisions that you will ever make because that's the one thing that impacts your overall health. You need to understand the harmful effects of tobacco to quit tobacco whether smoking or smokeless. There are several harmful effects of tobacco on both body and mind. 

Harmful effects of tobacco:


Respiratory problems:

Respiratory problemsTobacco contains a mixture of 7000 toxic chemicals, damaging the respiratory system by causing problems such as COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), bronchitis, and emphysema. The above-mentioned are mostly breathing issues. Tobacco is also the main cause of lung cancer.

Cardiovascular problems:

Cardiovascular problemsTobacco can also be the major root cause of heart problems because it can damage the blood vessels leading to heart problems such as heart stroke and heart attack. The toxic chemicals present in tobacco raise blood pressure increasing the chance of heart disease.

Oral problems:

Oral problemsNot only is smoking chewing tobacco equally harmful, but it also causes most oral problems such as “Oral cancer that affects the lips, cheeks, tongue and throat. “

Also, the use of tobacco can cause gum diseases resulting in tooth loss.

Reproductive problems:

Smoking is equally harmful for both men and women regardless of gender. Reproductive problems such as reduced fertility and pregnancy issues( premature delivery and birth complications) are seen in people who smoke more.

A few other health complications such as weakened immune System (easily prone to infections like Influenza and pneumonia. Smoking can also lead to reduced bone health and it can cause premature aging by increasing wrinkles at a young age.

After a clear understanding of the harmful effects of tobacco, we can take proactive steps to reduce tobacco cravings.

Steps to reduce tobacco cravings and quitting tobacco:


1)Identify triggers:

Identify triggers for tobacco The first and foremost step in the process of quitting tobacco is identifying triggers. Identify the situation, emotion, or activity that increases the urge to have tobacco ( in any form).In most people, the common triggers are stress, alcohol, and social gatherings. Identifying the triggers will help us in avoiding them and replacing them with healthier alternatives. 

For example, if you feel like smoking after having a meal then try to go for a walk or watch a TV series I.e replace your smoking time with some other activity that can provide you with the same relaxation. 

2)Mental support:

If you are unable to quit tobacco on your own then you can go for psychiatric support from a psychiatrist by taking certain counseling sessions. These counseling sessions can help you in quitting tobacco by promoting healthy life habits. Also, you can practice meditation that reduces stress and improves your ability to fight against the craving for tobacco by increasing stable consistent mindfulness. 

3)Nicotine replacement therapy:

This is also one of the most effective methods of quitting tobacco that encompasses a particular process:

nicotine patches Nicotine patches:

The Nicotine patches release a steady dose of nicotine through the skin. They need to be applied on clean dry skin on the upper arm or chest, and the dosage should be decided on the addiction level in most cases they need to be worn for 24 hours and can be removed while sleeping to avoid sleep disturbances.



Nicotine gums:

Nicotine gumsA few nicotine gums taken orally help you by providing relief by releasing nicotine into your bloodstream. They are designed to help people reduce their tobacco addiction. Users need to avoid consuming 15 minutes before eating or drinking anything.



Nicotine spray:

There are a few sprays and inhalers that provide relaxation similar to smoking. This is a method that allows faster absorption of nicotine into the bloodstream by inhaling through the nasal lining or directly through the mouth. The nicotine mist delivers fine mist directly to the mouth that gets absorbed through the oral mucosa providing relief within 60 seconds. It is specially designed for chronic smokers to reduce their strong craving for tobacco. Users need to follow the instructions carefully before using the nasal sprays and take the doctor's suggestion before taking them.




Medications to quit tobacco Certain medications suppress the cravings for tobacco:

Bupropion(Zyban) reduces tobacco cravings by affecting the neurotransmitters in the brain. 

Varenicline(Chantix) reduces tobacco cravings and the effects of tobacco use.

5)Lifestyle changes :

By following healthy lifestyle habits such as regular exercise can enhance mood and reduce stress. Try to follow a healthy diet because healthy foods can best help you recover from the harmful effects of tobacco. Staying hydrated by drinking enough amounts of water can flush out nicotine and other toxic substances from your body. 

Quitting tobacco may be quite challenging but it is the best thing you can do to maintain your overall health. A clear understanding of tobacco effects can encourage you to quit tobacco. You need to keep in mind that every small step you take to quit tobacco you are going a step forward for a healthy and happy life. The journey may end quite tough but strong consistency will best help you in quitting tobacco.