The lower back is also known as a lumbosacral portion of the back in medical terms. It’s the back portion between the bottom of the ribs and the top of the legs. It’s the pain or hurting in the lower part of the spine. It can last for a few days or longer.8 out of 10 people have lower back pain. The lower portion of the back is built up with muscles and surrounds the spine, the spine is assembled with many bones known as vertebrae.

Causes of lower back pain:

Muscle Strain:

The sitting and sleeping positions that are inappropriate can strain the muscles in the lower back resulting in lower back pain.

Bulging Discs:

Our bones contain discs in between them, the rupture or the pressure in these discs can also lead to lower back pain.

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Degenerative Disc disease: 

Because of aging factors, the disc that is between the vertebrae can cause pain in the lower back.


Wearing down the most important tissue at the end of cartilage and tears on the joints in the lower back can lead to lower back pain.


Inappropriate curvature of the spine can lead to uneven pressure at the vertebrae, which leads to severe pain in the lower back.

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Besides all these sometimes during sudden accidents, people may experience bone fractures and lower back pain.

What does lower back pain feel like?

Lower  Back pain is caused by a muscle aching and, burning sensation in the lower back. Also, the pain can be passed down to the legs.  Sometimes it can lead to muscle spasms and difficulty in moving. People may feel pain during bending, twisting, lifting, standing, or walking can make it severe.

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Diagnosis and prevention:

Diagnosis can be made through physical examination and by imaging scans of the disc at the backbone or the entire back area of the body.

1)Spine X-ray, MRI Scan, CT Scan -through these imaging technologies we can generate a clear image of infected or abnormal areas and understand where the problem is occurring.

2)Through Medications And physical therapy, the lower back pain can be reduced.

3)The pain can be reduced by applying a cold or heat pack on the lower back. 

4)Physiotherapy also can best help people to reduce their lower back pain.

5)In severe cases of lower back pain where no remedies work surgery is recommended.

6)Maintaining a a healthy weight and lifestyle that includes a healthy diet that strengthens bones such as nuts, fish, milk, cheese, broccoli, cabbage, and okra.


7)Strengthening the muscles through exercise and lifting correctly may help in getting rid of these pains.


The knee joint which connects the thigh bone to the lower leg, helps in moving, knee pain is seen mostly in older people due to the wearing up of the cartilage near the joint. People may feel pain during moving and lifting and most people feel knee pain at night, sometimes it may be due to overactivity by not taking enough rest. Knee pain can be acute and chronic.

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Symptoms & Causes:

Knee pain caused due to swelling or inflammation around the knee joint that results in difficulty in moving and lifting things, and unable to support your weight.

1)Knee pain may also feel like popping sounds while moving.

2)The cartilage that is swollen can also cause osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

3)Knee pain can also be caused by any injuries.

4)A weakened muscle due to cartilage injury can also cause knee pain.

5)In the case of a few people, the kneecap can be broken and cause knee pain.


Diagnosis through Physical examination and by performing an MRI Scan, CT Scan, and by X- rays to get the perfect visualized pictures of the internal area and to detect the abnormalities around the knee joint. Laboratory tests detect infections and arthritis.

Arthroscopy is a technique that can be done with the help of a camera which directly inserted into the knee and to observe the internal structures closely to detect the knee problem.

Treatment & Prevention:

1)Avoid activities that increase knee pain (avoid over-movement) and heavy tasks.

2) Do take the medicines as prescribed or instructed by the doctor and do not try any treatment methods without any medical guidance that can worsen the condition.

3)Regular knee strengthening exercises can also help to come out of the situation.

4)Supportive braces and wraps can provide relief and reduce pressure on the knee joints.


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Knee pain and lower back pain are seen in most people nowadays, it impacts daily life moving hard and causing discomfort, by taking proper care and treatment knee pain and lower back pain can be reduced. However small improvements in your lifestyle habits can eliminate the pain and help you with a better quality of life.