“You should start dying your hair.” 

“You look old.”

Have you heard this many times, when people notice the gray hair? 

Gray Hair is a very natural part of aging, but nowadays even teenagers face grey hair. 

Why is it? What are the causes? 


Don’t worry because here is a complete guide about grey hair. 


Here are some of the common causes of grey hair.

Normally we associate grey hair with the natural aging process. 

So what is the science behind it?  

The melanocytes are the type of cells that produce pigment in hair follicles. So what exactly happens, is that these cells gradually decrease their melanin production as we age. 

Another reason would be genetics. The beginning of this greying process of hair sometimes depends on genetics.

If you have a persistent greying of hair through the family then it might be a reason for an early onset of the greying process. 

Now, when we talk about the greying of hair in teenagers, one of the biggest factors these days is stress. Taking a lot of stress can also advance this process.  

It can also be due to some autoimmune disorders, like vitiligo.

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease when your skin loses the pigment of the skin. We know that melanocytes provide color to your skin, and a person with this condition has an immune system that kills these cells, resulting in a lack of pigment. 

It is normally categorized with white patches on your skin and can affect your hair color as well. 

Although can be confused with grey hair, but is a completely different condition, and hence needs separate treatment. 

Other than these factors, nutrition deficiency can also cause an early onset of the gray hair process. 

So what can be done to slow down this process?

Here are some tips to slow down the graying of hair.


  • Some common tips

Having a Balanced Diet: Always try to have well-rounded meals every day. When you’re getting a proper amount of vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamin B, iron, copper, and zinc. As they help with melanin production. 


Including a lot of Antioxidants: Include foods that are rich in antioxidants in your diet. Foods like berries, nuts, and leafy greens are full of antioxidants. These antioxidants help you combat oxidative stress, which will slow down the greying process. 


Track your protein Intake: As we all know, hair is primarily made of protein. So, you need to consume enough protein to help strengthen your hair. Start including foods like eggs, fish, and legumes in your diet. 


Manage your stress: As we already mentioned, chronic stress can contribute to an early onset of greying of hair. That is why, try and practice stress-reducing activities like yoga, or meditation to keep your stress in check. 


You may also like to take a look at: 

  • Tips regarding hair care.  

Always Be Gentle With Hair Care: Use mild shampoos and conditioners, and avoid excessive use of heat-styling tools so that you can protect your hair. 

Avoiding Harsh Chemicals and Other Treatments: Minimize the use of hair dyes that contain a lot of chemicals. Avoid bleaching your hair as it also damages your hair. 

Massage your Scalp with Oil: Regular scalp massages can stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles, especially when you use a good hair oil. 


These Are Some Natural Remedies To Help With Gray Hair. 


Include Amla: 

Amla is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that help strengthen your hair. You can include it in your routine either by consuming it or applying it as an oil.

Use Coconut Oil: 

Massaging the scalp with coconut oil may help prevent greying. Coconut oil also has Vitamin E and antimicrobial properties that keep the scalp free from infections, and help with the hair health

Apply Henna Mask or use it as an alternative to synthetic dye: 

Henna has been used as a natural hair dye for centuries. It not only colors your hair but also nourishes your scalp and has a cooling property that helps soothe headaches too. It leaves a beautiful deep brown hue on the hair, and if you want a darker shade, you can add black to intensify the payoff. 

Opt for Onion Extracts:

You might have noticed that onion extracts are quite popular in shampoos, hair serums, and even hair oils. It is because onion is very good for hair growth and strengthening your hair. Plus it also helps with the grey pigmentation of hair. 

Here is how you can include onion in your routine. 

  1. Grate an Onion and Extract the juices out of it. 
  2. Take some coconut or almond oil in a bowl
  3. Mix in your Onion Juice 
  4. Then heat the mixture to a warm temperature. 
  5. Massage your hair and scalp with the oil. 


This is a great remedy, not only for grey hair but also for hair growth. 


Grey hair is just the natural process of aging, and one must not feel insecure about it. Having a healthy diet and following good haircare habits generally slow down the aging process of hair. However, if you have grey hair at a pretty young age, then do consult a doctor.