Do you want to lose weight naturally? 

Of course yes that is what brought you here!

There are several ways to lose weight that may be natural,  with exercise you can lose weight, with supplements you can lose weight, weight loss diet plan can also help you lose weight.

Few methods may be sustainable in the longer run and few may not be sustainable bringing out several complications near you. Also, there are methods on how to lose weight fast, but nothing can beat the natural way of losing weight. In this blog, we will be understanding:


The natural ways to lose weight with a few basic steps:

Protein Addition 
Whole foods 
Reduce processed foods
Add on nutritious foods
Reduce added sugar
Enough water 
Coffee without sugar
Reduce calorie intake
Reduce refined carbohydrates
Weight Loss Diet Plan
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Eat in control
Eat slow 
Proper sleep 
More fibre
Exercise consistently
 Brushing teeth
Spice up meals


Let's understand the natural ways to lose weight in detail:


1)Protein addition to your diet:

The first step in losing weight naturally is to add protein into your diet because proteins are considered to be king of nutrients. 

It is known as per a few reports that when you include high protein into your diet it can burn more calories  80-100 calories in a day and is known to boost metabolism. 

Also, a high-protein diet can increase your mindfulness by reducing your appetite. 

High protein Foods

Protein content(100 gm)

Chicken breast 31g
Salmon 25g
Eggs 6g
Lentils 18g
Quinoa 8g
Almonds 6g
Chickpeas 15g


2)Eat whole foods:

Whole foods are one of the best ways to lose weight naturally.  Because whole foods are filling in nature by controlling the appetite. If you include whole foods into your weight loss diet plan, there are several foods such as refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and processed foods you can easily avoid due to a filled appetite.

These whole foods provide us with numerous health benefits by avoiding chronic diseases.

3)Reduce processed foods:

Many dieticians keep shouting to avoid processed foods because processed foods contain high amounts of fats, and sugars and are high in calories. They also play a key role in weight gain.

4)Add on nutritious foods:

By avoiding processed foods you need to include nutritious foods into your diet for a perfect weight loss diet plan.  These nutritious foods can help you to eat mindfully by avoiding unhealthy snack habits.

Nutritious foods are fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and protein-rich foods such as lentils, beans, chickpeas etc. 

Also, read 10 Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss

5)Reduce added sugars:

Eat low sugarYou should reduce the intake of sugar because sugar is known to be the cause of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart problems, and diabetes. And it is known that sugar can also be the cause of unhealthy weight gain in people.

People are consuming sugar more than enough unknowingly, they are being added to maximum amounts of processed foods and sugary beverages leading to weight gain. So reduce the intake of added sugars to reduce weight naturally. 

6)Drink enough water:

Not drinking enough amounts of water can also lead to weight gain, so stay hydrated while wishing for a natural weight loss program. 

You need to drink water before a meal to reduce the calorie intake, and drinking enough amounts of water can also reduce the cravings for unhealthy sugary beverages. It boosts the metabolism by improving the digestion process in your body.

7)Coffee without sugar:

Coffee without sugarDrinking coffee is beneficial for you as it provides energy, and also boosts your metabolism by reducing the risk of diabetes. As mentioned above you need to reduce your sugar intake by replacing that with sugar-free black coffee that can give you a filled stomach with low calories. 

Also, read 10 Adverse Effects of Excessive Consumption of Coffee

8)Reduced calorie intake:

High-calorie foods are one of the main contributors to weight gain. So you need to cut down the high calories for a perfect weight loss plan. Eat low-calorie foods as the daily recommendation of calories per day is 1200 for women and 1500 for men. So do not eat more calories than recommended.

9)Reduced refined carbohydrates:

You need to reduce the intake of refined carbs because in that process the foods lose most of the essential nutrients and fiber.

The only thing that's remained is easily digestible carbohydrates that can lead to overeating. 


Food to avoid 

White flour

White Bread

White Rice

Pastries, sweets

Snacks such as pasta


10) Best Diet Plan:

There are several diet plans available for a perfect weight loss program such as intermittent fasting, ketogenic diet, vegan diet, paleo diet, etc. 

Based on your lifestyle and eating habits you can choose one among the following. Also, you can consult with a dietician who can help you with the best weight loss diet plan suitable for your medical condition.

11)Consume fresh fruits and vegetables:

Fresh fruits and vegetables Include fresh fruits and vegetables to your weight-loss diet plan, that are highly nutritious and provide you with all the essential health benefits. 

These fruits and vegetables are included with high water content, and high fiber that are allowed to consume in large amounts as they are low in calories. 

12) Eat in control:

Overeating is also one of the main causes of weight gain. So eat in control by reducing the amount of food you eat.

13)Eat slow:

If you want to lose weight naturally you need to eat slowly because fast eaters eat more excessive amounts of foods than the required amounts without even knowing. 

Studies have shown that people who eat fast are more likely to be obese than people who eat slowly. 

You should eat the foods slowly by chewing that will help you to eat low calories. Also, slow eating produces certain hormones that can help with the weight loss process. 

14)Proper sleep:

Proper sleepAccording to a few reports, irregular sleeping habits are one of the major contributors to weight gain, because of the poor sleeping habits the appetite is disturbed.

So a proper sleep schedule for 7-8 hours is necessary to prevent weight gain in the future. 

15)High fibre foods:

Yes, high-fiber foods should be consumed for a perfect weight loss program because they are light and give a filling to your appetite. Also, high-fiber foods are easy to digest with several health benefits.

The benefits of high-fiber foods are chia seeds, lentils, broccoli, quinoa, carrot, apple, sweet potato, raspberry, avocado, etc.

16)Weight Loss exercises:

Staying physically active by doing certain weight loss exercises can help by burning higher amounts of calories and also reduce the risk of most chronic diseases.

17)Brush your teeth:

Brushing and flossing your teeth after eating by maintaining proper oral hygiene can reduce your craving for unhealthy foods.

18) Spicy foods:

Include spicy vegetables such as capsicum,  which contain a compound called capsaicin that boosts metabolism and burns higher amounts of fats. Also, it is known that capsaicin reduces appetite and calorie intake.

19)Eat the right calories according to your body's needs:

To lose weight naturally, you need to include the right calories that your body requires and focus on a balanced diet that provides adequate nutrients while avoiding excessive calorie intake to support overall health.


So these are the steps that help you to lose weight naturally without any side effects. Being in a healthy weight and staying fit is essential for every individual to avoid most of the chronic diseases. So, do follow the steps that are mentioned above for a natural way of reducing weight.