Is your wedding coming up? Or Are you thinking of losing weight fast and in a sustainable manner?

Whatever the reason is you want to lose weight that is what brought you here.

Here in this blog, we will explore the top possible ways to lose weight sustainably.

We all have a basic idea that is shown in most of the news feeds and told in most hospitals that being fat or obese is the major cause of most diseases. Being obese means being unhealthy is something that most people believe. But it's not that being obese or fat will bring out many health complications near you.

So, it is essential to stay healthy and fit. You need to decide on how fast you can lose weight, if you have time on your hands you can approach a method that can help you to lose weight as per your time, but it is advised not to go for a rapid weight loss process because they may result in other health complications. Here we will be explaining the best and most sustainable method to lose weight.

Here are the basic steps that can help you to lose weight sustainably:


Step 1: Reduce Calorie intake:

The main and most important thing in a weight loss program is to count the calories, because the higher the number of calories the higher the weight gain, so you need to cut down on high calories and consume low-calorie foods. You can have 500-750 calories per day without the problem of calorie deficit, which will help to reduce 1-2 pounds in a week. “On average men, need 1500 calories per day and women 1200 calories per day."

Recommended calorie intake for men and women:


Sedentary Women

Moderately active women

Active women

Sedentary men

Moderately active men

Active men





























Sedentary: Little or no physical activity.

Moderately active: Physical activity that is equal to 1.5-3miles in a day along with daily life activities.

Active: Physical activity that is equal to walking more than 3 miles per day along with daily life activities.


Step 2: Include high proteins & fibers:

Proteins and fibers play a key role in helping you to lose weight because they are filling in nature, and they help in muscle building. Include proteins such as chicken, eggs, fish, tofu, and beans that will reduce the chance of overeating. Also, there are high-protein veg foods that you can include in your diet.

"Recommended protein intake for men is 56 grams and for women, 46 grams in a day, and the recommended fiber intake for men is 30-38 grams and for women 21-25 grams in a day."

Here is the list of foods that are high in proteins and fibers to include in your weight loss diet plan:


Protein-rich foods

Protein Content(Per 100gm)

Fiber-rich foods

Fiber content(Per 100 gm)

Chicken Breast 31g Chia seeds 34g
Salmon 20g Flax seeds 27.3g
Black beans 21g Almonds 12.5g
Cottage Cheese 11g Oats 10.6g
Lentils 9g Black beans 8.7g
Chickpeas 19g Lentils 8g
Quinoa 4.4g Chickpeas  7.6g
Almonds 21g Avocado 7g
Tempeh 19g Green Peas 5g
Spinach 2.9g Tempeh 4.1g




Step 3: Include whole foods:

Incorporate whole foods that contain higher nutrients such as fresh fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats that can give a filling nature supporting weight loss.

Step 4: Lower carbohydrates:

Whole grains for weight loss Carbohydrates are good sources of energy, but you need to cut down the refined carbohydrate consumption such as pasta, white bread, and sugary snacks that will help you in your weight loss journey by reducing the calorie intake. You can include complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, legumes, and fresh vegetables because, in the case of refined grains, the bran and germs that contain most of the fiber and nutrient content are removed.

List of healthy carbohydrates for weight loss:



Carbohydrate Content in 100gm

Chicken Breast 0g
Salmon 0g
Shrimp 0g
Eggs 1.1g
Spinach 3.6g
Cauliflower  4.9g
Avocado 8.5g
Mushroom 3.3g
Cucumber 3.6g




Step 5: Lower sugar intake:

Reduce the consumption of added sugars and sugary drinks such as cold drinks, candies, soda, pastries, and desserts. These foods should be avoided because they contain higher amounts of calories that contribute to weight gain. So avoid the artificial sweeteners and the sugars and opt for fruits that are sweet and you can have dark chocolate instead of sweetened chocolate.

Step 6: Portion control & Hydration:

portion controlMake sure you do not overeat, so being mindful is necessary. You can eat in smaller proportions more frequently but you should not overeat at times. Also staying hydrated by drinking enough amount of water is essential in the weight loss process as it helps to control appetite. Staying hydrated also prevents unnecessary snacking in the name of hunger.

Step 7: Eat regular meals:

Make sure you do not miss any meal by having a proper eating schedule with a balanced diet because that helps to maintain blood sugar levels preventing excessive hunger. Have 3 meals in a day by including a few healthy snacks such as dry fruits and fruits, fruit juices as per your requirement.

Also read: 10 Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss

Step 8: Reduce processed foods:

Reduce the use of processed and packaged foods as they may contain unhealthy fats, sodium, and other unhealthy additives that contribute to weight gain.

Step 9: Exercise regularly:


Exercise is also a well-known strategy that can help you with your weight loss journey, 

Cardio and strength training:

strength trainingInclude aerobic exercises such as running, cycling, swimming, and brisk walking that will best help you burn a higher number of calories. Aim for at least 20 minutes in a day in cardio exercises for best results.

Strength training exercises such as weight lifting or bodyweight training exercises 2-3 times a week can help to increase your metabolic rate and lose weight.

High-intensity interval training:

HIIT involves highly intense activities of exercises followed by a short period of rest or low-intensity exercises. These types of exercises burn a higher number of calories in a short period and increase the metabolic rate even after exercise.

Step 10: Sleep schedule:

You need to have a proper sleep schedule for at least 7-8 hours without interruption because poor sleeping habits can disrupt the hormonal function that regulates hunger and appetite which can lead to weight gain due to higher calorie intake.

Also read: Home Remedies To Prevent Insomnia

Step 11: Control your stress:

Stress is one of the major contributors to weight gain because chronic stress can lead to emotional eating and weight gain. Do practice stress relief activities such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises.

Frequently asked questions about weight loss:


Is it safe to lose weight fast?

No, rapid weight loss programs are not safe because they may lead to several health problems such as muscle loss, nutritional deficiencies, and other metabolic problems.

How much weight loss weight loss is safe in a week?

2-3 pounds of weight loss is safe in a week, if you lose weight more than that it might not be effective in the longer run.

What are the exercises for weight loss?

High-intensity interval training (HIIT), strength training, and cardio exercises such as running, cycling, and swimming are the exercises for weight loss programs that burn a higher number of calories.

What foods should I eat to lose weight fast?

For fast weight loss, you need to consume high-fibre and high-protein foods such as fish, eggs, legumes, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Avoid processed and high-carb foods.

Can I lose weight without exercising?

Yes, but mostly diet plays a key role in losing weight, but combining a weight loss diet plan with certain exercises is more effective for losing weight.

Can supplements help with fast weight loss?

Some supplements are promoted for weight loss, but they can not be alternatives for healthy diet and exercise. You need to consult with a dietician before consuming any supplements for weight loss.

So this is all about sustainably losing weight, however, rapid weight loss goals are considered unsafe in the long run because they may result in severe health complications. Do approach a dietician or a healthcare professional who can help you with the best method suitable for your medical condition. The weight loss process that is considered to be safe is 1-2 pounds in a week, all of the methods that we have mentioned above can best help you with losing weight i.e., 1-2 pounds in a week. So consider all the methods that are suitable for you prepare a weight loss diet chart or a weight loss diet plan and an exercise routine for your weight loss goal.