Do you want to lose weight in 7 days? Is it possible? And just by walking? 

Well, yes it is.

Walking is an effortless and beginner-friendly way to start gearing up to lose weight. One thing that people might not be aware about walking is that it is not only beginner-friendly but also a highly effective way to lose weight. 

And it is as easy as that. You don’t require any equipment, or facility to start walking. It's accessible to most people and can be done anywhere. And the results show up pretty early. Within the first week of continuous walking, you start dropping a few. 


So, here are some tips to start losing weight by walking in just 7 days. 


Tip Number 1: Setting Realistic Goals for Yourself  

You should be quite clear that weight loss requires hard work, patience, and continuity. One must gear up for a long-term process of losing weight. So, before starting any weight loss plan, it is essential to set realistic goals. We know that time is something we cannot spare, but we also need to understand that weight loss is a gradual process. Yes, you will lose weight in the first week of continuous walk itself, and that is a fact. 


Tip Number 2: Keep Track of Your Steps  

Any person should always aim for 10,000 steps per day.

Now what does this mean? By walking 10,000 steps, you are almost covering over 8kms, and burning around 800-1000 calories. So this is an instant way to lose weight. Start small. Walking for small distances for the first few days and slowly pacing up is the key. Using apps like Google Fit or anything else like a pedometer or smartphone app can help you monitor your steps and activity levels. When you aim for these number of steps, you ensure that you remain active throughout the day. And, when a body is constantly in motion and active, then it is capable of burning more calories, which helps boost your metabolism.


Tip Number 3: Keep Your Walking Often and Consistently.  

Always be consistent with your walking. Never skip a day, Try to incorporate it into your daily routine, maybe by going on morning or evening walks. You can also multitask if you don’t have time to go out and walk by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, at your workplace. Or walking to nearby shops instead of driving, or having walking meetings if possible. 


Tip Number 4: Use Proper Form and Technique

Remember, walking to lose weight and walking to explore a park are two completely different things. To maximize the benefits of walking, you need to ensure that you are in a proper form. 


So here is what you have to do with your form. 

Keep your head up and look forward.

Engage your core muscles to support your lower back.

Swing your arms with each step.

Take long strides to increase your speed and intensity.


Now, you cannot lose weight just by walking. You need a proper diet plan as well. 


So here are some tips on diet to include while you start walking. 

Always keep your body hydrated

If you are walking consistently you must drink water consistently as well. Drinking water is very important when engaging in physical activity. Hydration helps maintain energy levels by supplying enough electrolytes to the body. Always try to drink at least eight 8 glasses of water a day, more if you're walking in hot weather or sweating heavily.


Have a well-planned diet routine. 

Walking alone may not be enough for significant weight loss if you don't pay attention to your diet. Focus on consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid processed foods, sugary snacks, and beverages high in calories. Eating a balanced diet will complement your walking routine and aid in weight loss.

Additional Tips: 

Listen to Music or Podcasts while you are walking. 

Whenever you are walking, it is also a type of relaxation to your mind. Therefore to make it even more enjoyable, and therapeutic.


Walking is a great way to gear up and prep your body to start losing weight. Most of us face the issue of a bodily shock of intense pain when we start working out intensely. But walking is a mellow way to lose weight in the beginning days. Yet, if you have any issues, do consult the doctor about your physical health.