Do you experience extremely painful cramps

Are you often feeling a lot more irritated? 

This might be due to irregular periods. 

So, can home remedies help with your irregular periods? 

The answer is yes. 

But how? 

Don’t worry, and let us guide you through it. 

In this article, we will answer the following questions.

What are irregular periods?

What are the potential causes for your periods to be irregular?

What is the relation between irregular periods and PCOD and PCOS?

Along with….

What are the natural home remedial tips to help the periods be more regular? 

So here is a complete guide to help you regulate your periods in a better way.


What are Irregular Periods?

Basically, Irregular periods are the menstrual cycles that go astray from the typical range concerning recurrence, span, or flow. A typical menstrual cycle lasts between 21 and 35 days, with menstruation lasting anywhere from three to seven days. Periods that are inconsistent can include cycles that are shorter or longer than this reach, periods that are missing or unduly heavy or light, or spotting in between periods. Thyroid issues, major weight fluctuations, stress, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and several drugs are the reasons. These can lead to painful cramps as well.

What are the potential causes for your periods to be irregular?

Hormonal imbalances, stress, significant weight changes (gain or loss), excessive exercise, and poor nutrition are potential causes of irregular periods. Menstrual cycles can also be affected by endometriosis, thyroid disorders (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Regularity can also be affected by certain medications, such as anticoagulants and birth control pills. Different variables incorporate perimenopause, which brings normal hormonal changes, and basic medical problems like diabetes or dietary issues. Unpredictable periods may likewise result from uterine fibroids or diseases. Counseling a medical services supplier is fundamental for the precise conclusion and proper therapy.


What is the relation between irregular periods and diseases like PCOS and PCOD?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) are conditions that altogether influence feminine consistency because of their hidden hormonal irregular characteristics. Despite their frequent interchangeability, the names relate to comparable but different disorders affecting the ovaries and menstrual cycles. PCR-based PCOS is a common endocrine illness that manifests as several tiny cysts on the ovaries, high levels of androgens, and insulin resistance. 


Irregular periods result from these hormonally imbalanced functions in the body, which interfere with the regular monthly cycle. Women with PCOS may experience irregular, extended, or even little to no menstrual cycles. This is because early follicles produced by the ovaries fail to produce eggs on a regular basis due to the hormonal imbalance that hinders ovulation. PCOD, which is less commonly used to differentiate it from PCOS, usually denotes the existence of several ovarian cysts due to comparable hormonal abnormalities. These cysts result from follicles that a person appropriately developed and delivered during the periods. PCOD, and PCOS, can result in irregular periods with symptoms like heavy or infrequent menstruation. Due to the disruption of the normal hormonal signals that regulate the menstrual cycle, both conditions can cause irregular periods.


What are the natural home remedies to help you regulate your periods better? 



Ginger is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to ease discomfort and irregularities associated with menstruation. Regular menstruation can be encouraged by sipping ginger tea made by boiling a few slices of fresh ginger in water. 

You can also enhance it by including honey for its sweetness and anti-inflammatory properties.


It has been researched that cinnamon has positive effects on menstrual health. It has the potential to help women with PCOS maintain a regular menstrual cycle and control their insulin levels. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple juice vinegar (ACV) can help with adjusting chemicals and managing periods. Drinking a combination of 1-2 tablespoons of ACV in a glass of water every day can help with overseeing insulin levels and advancing feminine routineness.


Turmeric has been used in our household for almost all illnesses, so it is no surprise that it is also helpful during periods. It contains an abundance of curcumin which has anti-inflammatory and hormone-regulating properties. Try to include turmeric into your diet, either through Turmeric milk (golden milk), teas, or as a spice in cooking, which can help maintain a regular menstrual cycle.


Lignans, which help the body regulate estrogen levels, are abundant in flaxseed. Ground flaxseeds can help you get your hormones in balance and have regular periods. Flaxseeds can be added to smoothies or sprinkled on salads, yogurt, and cereal for a boost in hormone balance.



Irregular Periods can cause a lot of issues in the future, and that is why one must never overlook the concerning signs. It is advisable to consult a gynecologist for a better understanding of your regularity.