Are your lips discolored due to smoking?

Do you want to restore the original pink lips you were having before?

Of course, we know it's a yes! Because that's what brought you here!

Did you notice your lips losing their natural color and becoming darker due to smoking, this can be considered as one of the harmful effects of tobacco. Discoloration is one of the most common problems faced by smokers. So don't worry, in this blog, you will learn everything about lip discoloration and the remedies to get your pink lips back to form. Coming to the main question, 

Why do lips get black due to smoking?

Lip discoloration due to smoking Before going into the remedies you need to understand the reason why lips get black due to smoking, there are certain harmful chemicals such as nicotine and tar that reduce blood circulation and cause pigmentation in lips. There is a mixture of 4000 harmful chemicals present in tobacco that damage collagen and elastin which are essential for maintaining the skin's elasticity and structure, these ingredients increase the melanin content by darkening the lips and reducing collagen and elastin quantity. Also, you need to know that the heat from smoking dries up your lips, making them cracked and giving a dull appearance. So this is the reason for lip discoloration due to smoking. 

How do you restore pink lips damaged due to smoking?

 Here are the basic steps that can help you to restore your pink lips that are damaged due to smoking:

1)Quit smoking:

Quit smoking The first and the best way to restore your pink lips damaged due to smoking is you need to quit tobacco.

Tobacco contains harmful ingredients that are the reason for many chronic diseases, so it contains an ingredient called tar that takes off the natural color of your lips.

Quitting smoking will be beneficial for you to restore your natural pink lips damaged due to tobacco.

2)Stay hydrated:

Stay hydratedHydration is one of the important aspects you need to consider to restore your pink lips. To keep your lips hydrated and moisturized drink enough amount of water. Dehydration can be one of the reasons for the lips to become dry and cracked, so drink enough water that can help you flush out the nicotine content to maintain the natural color of your lips.

3)Follow a lip care routine:

The third step in restoring your pink lips is to follow the best lip care routine:

Exfoliate your lips:

Exfoliate your lipsExfoliate your lips regularly to avoid discoloration of your lips because gentle exfoliation of your lips in a week 2-3 times a week using a lip scrub or else you can use a mixture of honey and sugar can remove dead skin cells from the top layer by revealing the fresh pink lips.

Homemade lip scrub:

You can also make a homemade lip scrub by mixing one tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of sugar as mentioned above. After making this mixture you need to apply it to your lips and gently massage in circular motions for about two minutes, follow the same procedure 2-3 times a week for effective exfoliation of your lips.

With toothbrush:

Exfoliate your lips with tooth brushThis is one of the methods used to exfoliate your lips all at home, you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush to exfoliate your lips, so apply a small amount of petroleum jelly and gently brush in circular motions. This is one of the effective methods to exfoliate your skin.

Moisturize your lips:

Keeping your lips moisturized is one of the essential things for fresh pink lips. So apply a good lip balm that contains natural ingredients such as vitamin E, vitamin C, shea butter, cocoa butter, or Beeswax that provides deep moisturization for your lips. Apply the lip balm containing SPF overnight for deep moisturization. 



3)Home remedies:

There are several home remedies all over the web to bring you out from the lip discoloration problem due to smoking, so here are the top best remedies:

Apply lemon juice and honey mixture:

Honey and lemonWhat? How lemon juice and honey will give me my pink lips back?

Yes, you've heard that right, lemon has natural bleaching properties and honey helps to moisturize and heal so first you need to mix equal amounts of lemon juice and honey and apply it on your lips for about 10-15 minutes and rinse off. Gently massaging with this mixture can best help you to restore your pink lips.

Try beetroot juice:

Beetroot for lipsBeetroot has natural pigments that give your lips the natural pink color. Make a juice of beetroot and apply it on your lips and leave for 20 minutes. You can rinse your lips after that and repeat this process occasionally for pinkish lips.

Apply aloe vera:

Along with beetroot and honey aloe vera can also be used for having pink lips, aloe vera has soothing properties, and applying small amounts of fresh aloe vera gel on your lips to lighter your dark lips and give back your pink lips.

Navel oiling with ghee:

Yes, navel oiling with a little ghee before bed can help lighten your lip color from black to pink.

Have a lip mask:

You can try the most effective but the least discussed remedy, so make a lip mask using ingredients such as turmeric, rose water, and malai, you can use milk if you do not have malai. Apply this mixture to your lips and gently massage for about 15 minutes to get back your pink lips after smoking. 

Laser treatment:

If you're someone who is concerned with your lip color and if none of the remedies worked for you, you can go for a laser treatment that injects concentrated shots into your lips to lighten the dark color, laser treatment can best help you restore the natural color of your lips, remove excess melanin from your lips and it boosts collagen production.


These remedies can best help you to get back the natural pink color of your lips that are damaged due to smoking. Reducing the craving for tobacco can be quite challenging but that can be the best option for you not only for pinkish lips but also can save you from several chronic diseases. So opt for a healthy lifestyle by reducing tobacco consumption for a healthier and happier self.