Are you cleaning your ears with safety pins and keys?

You are at risk!

Risk? Yes, you are at risk!

Because safety pins and keys aren’t made to clean your ears, there are certain tools present for ear-cleaning purposes.

So, maintaining the hygiene of the ear is one of the essential parts of maintaining overall hygiene because the ear is a sensitive organ that can lead to infections, injury, or even hearing loss if not taken care of.

Understanding ear anatomy:

Let’s now understand the ear anatomy so that it can help us to know what are the areas to be cleaned, and how deep we can use the cleaning equipment. Ear anatomy can be divided into 3 parts the external ear, the middle ear, and the internal ear.

The external ear comprises of pinna outer visible part of the ear and the ear canal that leads to the eardrum, The middle ear comprises three tiny bones called the malleus, incus, and stapes that play a crucial role in transmitting sound from the eardrum to the inner ear. Last but not least the inner ear contains cochlea and semicircular canals that are responsible for hearing.

“Ear wax is produced in the outer ear canal that is responsible for trapping the dust, and impurities, preventing ear infections, and lubricating the ear canal. Ear wax acts as a natural cleanser for the ears.”

Now, you’ll get doubt like if ear wax is essential then why clean ears?

Yes, you need to clean your ears for purposes like, excessive accumulation of ear wax can lead to certain problems such as ear blockage, discomfort, and hearing issues.

Here are some basic signs and symptoms that you need to worry about ear wax:


Ear pain or any discomfort in the ear.

►The feeling of blockage in the ear.

►Reduced ability to hear.

►Ringing sound in the ears is also called tinnitus.

►Itching in the ear is also one of the signs of ear problems.

Now coming to the solution part,

How to clean the ears properly?


1)Using a damp cloth:

Ear dropsThe first and best method to clean the ears is using a damp cloth as it is in no way harmful and can keep your ears safe and free from any harmful infections.

Use a clean damp cloth that is wet in lukewarm water, clean the external ear do not insert deep into the internal ear, and then pat dry with a clean towel.


2)Ear drops:

Ear dropsCertain eardrops are specially designed for earwax removal, use eardrops that contain ingredients such as mineral oil, baby oil, glycerin, peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, and saline solution. Put a few drops in your ear and if the problem persists for a long time then you need to visit a doctor.


3)Ear Irrigation:

Ear irrigation is one of the effective ways to remove ear wax but that should be done carefully, you need to soak a cotton ball in warm water or saline solution or hydrogen peroxide and then you can put that over your ear bending your neck towards the other ear.


4)Professional cleaning:

If none of the above remedies worked for you then you need to go for a professional cleaning method to a doctor. 

Things to avoid while cleaning your ears:


There are certain things to avoid while cleaning your ears because they result in other severe consequences. Here are the things you should avoid while cleaning your ears:

1)Cotton swabs:

Cotton swabsCotton swabs are mostly used for cleaning the ears but they should be avoided because while you insert them into your ears, they push the ear wax deeper into the ear canal increasing the chances of damaging the ear canal. Cotton swabs are not for cleaning the ear canal they need to be used to clean only the outer ear.

2)Ear candling:

Ear candlingEar candling is one of the most dangerous methods you can use for cleaning your ears because it works by placing a lit candle near your ears that is known to soften the ear wax and remove the ear wax. This method is not effective and increases the risk of burns, ear injuries, and blockages.

3)Harmful tools:

Many people insert different tools into the ears to remove ear wax such as safety pins, keys, hair pins, or even fingers which can cause ear infections, injuries, and earwax impaction. As discussed earlier the ear canal and eardrum are very delicate organs that can be easily damaged if not taken proper care.

4)Excessive cleaning:

Cleaning is a good habit but excessive cleaning of ears should be discouraged because over-cleaning of ears can result in loss of essential oils, dryness, itching, and an increased chance of an ear infection due to the damage of ear canals. So do not clean excessively with any sharp objects for a natural balance of the ears.

Read more on ear problems


We’ve understood everything regarding the ear cleaning procedure, the necessary steps, and the things to avoid while cleaning the ears. So, this blog will help you to take the necessary steps if you experience any symptom that is unusual within your ear. Avoid all the things that harm your tiny ears and have a peaceful day!