Are you unable to fall asleep at night?

Frequent wake-ups are disturbing your sleep?

If yes, these tips are for you…

Most of us have sleeping problems like not falling asleep for longer periods, frequent waking up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep comfortably throughout the night. So no more worries about falling asleep, in this blog we will understand

Why aren't you able to sleep well?

Why is proper sleep important?

What are the tips for proper sleep?

Why aren't you able to sleep well?

Proper sleep is highly essential for maintaining our physical and mental health, we might have several reasons for poor sleep schedules such as stress, anxiety, unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking, hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause, certain medications such as beta blockers and corticosteroids, and overconsumption of caffeine.

All of the above factors contribute to poor sleep quality, despite the reason a good sleep schedule is highly recommended for healthy well-being. But we need to understand the importance of proper sleep.

Why is proper sleep essential?

Proper sleep is essential for many reasons such as:

►Maintaining a proper sleep schedule is essential for strengthening the immune system to improve your body’s ability to fight infections and diseases.

►It also reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart problems, hypertension, and stroke.

►Improper sleep can disrupt the hormones that are associated with hunger and appetite which can lead to weight gain and obesity. So for a healthy weight, proper sleep is essential.

►Proper sleep is essential to reduce stress and anxiety.

►Also, proper sleep is essential for regulating growth hormones, maintaining cortisol levels to reduce stress and anxiety, improves insulin sensitivity that regulates blood sugar levels reducing the risk of type-2 diabetes.

►Overall proper sleep is crucial for every individual’s physical and mental- well-being keeping yourself far from all types of diseases. Now let’s delve into the solution part,

Tips to fall asleep quickly:


1)Make a proper sleep routine:

The first step to falling asleep quickly is to organize your sleeping schedule, because maintaining proper sleep and waking up at the same time every day can help you regulate your internal clock to promote better sleep at the same time.

2)Meditate for relaxation:

Meditation for proper sleepIncorporating meditation into your routine can relax your mind by reducing stress and anxiety levels in your body to help you with a better sleep quality.

3)Be mindful:

Be mindful while you sleep, forget everything about the thoughts that are disturbing your sleep, and be aware of your sleep schedule without being distracted by the random thoughts that are disturbing your sleep.

4)Good sleep environment:

Maintain good sleep environment A good pleasant environment can promote good quality sleep, while if you have a noisy environment or a clumsy space that can not allow you to sleep peacefully, so keep a good sleep environment to fall asleep quickly. Having a cool dark room is known to promote better sleep quality.

5)Do not force yourself to sleep:

It is okay if you are unable to sleep well, you can try all the natural methods that can help you to sleep well and do any relaxing activity until you are sleepy but do not force yourself to sleep because forcing yourself to sleep can increase your anxiety thereby poor sleep quality.

6)Have a balanced diet:

Balanced diet for proper sleepA filled appetite is best for the best sleep, so have a balanced diet with nutritious foods that can regulate your sleep schedule but unhealthy acidic foods can distract you from sleeping, and avoid heavy meals before bedtime as you can have digestive problems leading to uncomfortable sleep.

7)Lower the room temperature:

As discussed earlier a good sleep environment is essential for a proper sleep schedule, lowering the room temperature is known to help your body temperature drop, which facilitates proper sleep.

8)Do not look at the clock:

Do not look at the clockIt is advised not to look at the clock because looking at the clock increases the thought process of stress about not having enough sleep, making it harder to fall asleep quickly. So, do not look at the clock and stay relaxed.

9)Do not sleep during the day:

Taking a nap in day time can also disrupt your sleep at night so avoid sleeping during the day unless and until it is highly necessary.

10)Relaxed music:

Relaxed music to sleep fastListening to good, relaxing, soothing music can help you to fall asleep faster by providing relaxation to your mind, and avoiding all unnecessary stressful thoughts. Listen to any of your favorite soothing music to sleep faster.

11)Reduce caffeine intake:

Avoid taking coffee at least 6 hours before you sleep because caffeine can disrupt your sleep. So do not take coffee before bedtime.

12)Read a book:

Read a book before sleeping Reading a physical book can help you to reduce stress by promoting healthy sleep. Do not include e-books because the light of the screen can interfere with melanin production. So read a relaxing book before you sleep.

13)Imagine happy things:

Think about the positive things that can make you happy and encourage you with a relaxing mental state forgetting about stressful events. So visualize the happy things for a better sleep.

14)Limit screen time:

Limit screen time You need to avoid using mobiles or any other electronic gadgets emitting blue light because the blue light disrupts melanin functioning that regulates sleep. So limit your screen time before you fall asleep.

15) Sleep-inducing techniques:

There are certain sleep-inducing techniques such as the 4-7-8 breathing technique where you inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and then exhale for 8 seconds. This technique helps to relax your nervous system, and muscle group and distracts your thoughts from stress for proper sleep.


We’ve understood the essentiality of a proper sleep schedule and tips to fall asleep quickly that will best help us maintain a proper sleep schedule that can be beneficial in several ways.