High-fiber idli is a variety of the customary South Indian dish idli, which is normally produced using matured rice and lentil player. Adding high-fiber fixings to the idli hitter expands its dietary benefit and makes it more valuable for absorption and by and large well-being. Here's a basic recipe for high-fiber idli.

Ingredients required for the high fiber idly:


brown rice image moong dal image oats image

1 cup whole grain rice (brown rice or any other whole grain rice)

1/2 cup whole green moong dal (whole green moong beans)

1/2 cup oats

4 tablespoons of  isabgol (Psyllium husk)

1/2 cup grated carrots

1/2 cup chopped spinach or finely chopped vegetables of your choice (such as bell peppers, peas, etc.)

1 tablespoon grated ginger

1 green chili, finely chopped (optional)

Salt to taste

Water, as needed

1 teaspoon oil (for greasing the idli molds)


Let’s start preparing our healthy breakfast recipe:

Wash the rice and moong dal separately and soak them in water for about 4-6 hours or overnight.

Drain the water from the soaked rice and dal. Grind them together in a blender or wet grinder to a smooth batter consistency. You may need to add a little water while grinding. Transfer the batter to a large mixing bowl.

In the same blender, add isabgol, and oats and grind them to a coarse powder. Add these powdered oats to the batter.

Add grated carrots, chopped spinach or other vegetables, grated ginger, green chili (if using), and salt to the batter. Blend everything well. You can adjust the consistency of the dough by adding a little water if it appears to be too thick. The batter ought to be thick yet at the same time pourable. Oil the idli molds with a little oil. Empty the player into the molds and fill each form around 3/4 full.

Steam the idlis in a steamer for about 10-12 minutes or until they are cooked through. You can check the doneness by inserting a toothpick or knife into the center of an idli. If it comes out clean, the idlis are done.

Once cooked, remove the idli molds from the steamer and let them cool for a few minutes. Then, carefully unmold the idlis using a spoon or knife.

Medical advantages:

Due to the ingredients' high fiber content, high-fiber idlis offer several health benefits. Here is a portion of the advantages: Further created Handling: Fiber adds mass to the stool, which hinders obstructing and propels standard craps. This can ease up stomach-related issues and add to as a rule related prosperity. Weight the board: Food sources high in fiber are much of the time very filling, which can assist with controlling desires and forestall overindulgence. Counting high-fiber idlis in your eating regimen might uphold weight the board by advancing satiety and diminishing calorie consumption.

Blood Sugar Control:

Fiber dials back the ingestion of sugars into the circulation system, assisting with balancing out glucose levels. Individuals with diabetes or in danger of developing diabetes may especially profit from this.

Heart Health:

An eating regimen high in fiber has been related to a diminished gamble of coronary illness. By binding to cholesterol in the digestive tract and encouraging its elimination, fiber aids in lowering cholesterol levels. By consolidating high-fiber idlis in your eating routine, you could help with creating heart prosperity and lessen the bet of cardiovascular issues.

Gut Health:

Fiber goes about as a prebiotic, taking care of the helpful microbes in the stomach. A sound stomach microbiota is fundamental for stomach-related well-being, invulnerable capability, and general prosperity. Eating high-fiber food sources like idlis can propel an alternate and thriving stomach microbiome.

Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases:

Eats with fewer carbs rich in fiber have been connected to a lower hazard of specific constant illnesses, including colorectal malignant growth, stroke, and hypertension. You might have the option to bring down your gamble of fostering these circumstances by incorporating idlis high in fiber in your eating regimen.

Nutrient Absorption:

Fiber can slow down food digestion, allowing nutrients from other idlis eaten together to be better absorbed. This can improve for the most part supplement take-up and add to better all-around prosperity.

Long-Term Well-Being and Prosperity:

Enjoying a high-fiber eating routine is linked to lifelong and general well-being and prosperity. By regularly including high-fiber foods like idlis in your diet, you may support your long-term health goals and enjoy a higher quality of life.

Generally speaking, high-fiber idlis can be a nutritious expansion to your eating routine, offering a scope of medical advantages that help by and large prosperity and imperativeness.