Gout is also called as   "disease of kings" or "rich man's disease," it has plagued humanity for hundreds of years. Historically it is related to excessive amounts of purine-rich foods and alcohol, gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that can cause severe pain and discomfort in the joints. Gout is a condition that can be best treated with diet but it is essential to understand what exactly gout is, what causes it, and the management of gout.

Understanding Gout:

The urate crystals accumulate in the joints leading to the condition called gout, these urate crystals are formed when there is a condition called hyperuricemia ( excessive uric acid ) is present. Kidneys excrete uric acid in the form of urine, but when the body produces increased levels of uric acid that may be due to various reasons the body fails to eliminate it effectively this uric acid turns out to be crystals and builds up in the joints or the surrounding tissues that is the condition developed as gout.

The most generally affected joint in gout is the base of the large toe, even though other joints such as the ankles, knees, elbows, wrists, and arms can also be affected. Gout attacks strike suddenly, typically at night, and are characterized by severe pains, swelling, redness, and warmth within the affected joint.

Gout can result in severe pain in joints and even the touch of a bedsheet may feel very painful.

Causes of Gout:

Factors that affect  the development of gout include:


Purine-rich foods that include red meats, seafood, and alcohol increase the uric acid levels in the body which leads to gout.


As we all know genetics at least plays a small role in every health problem, gout can also be developed if you have anyone in your family with such a problem.


Obesity is also a major cause most of diseases, being overweight can improve uric acid production leading to gout occurrence.

Medical Conditions:

Some of the lifestyle diseases that include high blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney problems can also cause gout.


Some of the medicines, such as diuretics (water drugs) and low-dose aspirin, can decrease uric acid excretion, leading to increased levels of blood and resulting in gout.

Diagnosis and Treatment:

Diagnosing gout generally includes a combination of health history, physical exams, and laboratory exams. A healthcare professional might also carry out a joint fluid evaluation to test for the presence of urate crystals inside the affected joint. Frequently Blood tests have also been conducted to check the level of uric acid.

Gout treatment mainly aims to relieve the pain, reduce infection, and save you from future gout severity. This might also contain a combination of medications and lifestyle changes, together with:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pills (NSAIDs):

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pills (NSAIDs) together with ibuprofen and naproxen can help to relieve the pains and inflammation during short-term gout attacks.


It’s a great help to people who are suffering from gout to reduce gout attacks which have anti-inflammatory properties.


They can be externally injected into the affected joint or taken orally which helps to relieve pain and infection.


Doctors suggest medications, that are allopurinol and febuxostat to reduce the uric acid levels in the blood.
Lifestyle changes, consisting of maintaining a healthy weight, averting alcohol and purine-rich ingredients, staying hydrated, and exercising frequently, can help control gout symptoms and decrease the frequency of gout attacks.


Preventing gout attacks includes making long-term lifestyle adjustments to lessen uric acid levels inside the blood and minimize the threat of crystal deposition inside the joints.

Having a balanced diet low in purine content, people need to drink plenty of water to flush out the increased levels of uric acid in the body, manage to a healthy weight, and stay far from smoking and drinking can help in effectively preventing gout attacks.


Gout is a severe and painful situation that can be treated with proper management techniques. Having a basic understanding of its causes, symptoms, and treatment options can help people with gout to come out of such a situation soon. Do follow a proper diet as instructed by a professional dietician to easily manage the condition.