Breast cancer is one of the emerging cancers worldwide!
But what's the reason for this?
Several factors contribute to this situation such as age, family history, and unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking, lack of physical activity, obesity, and unhealthy dietary choices.
And research says that 30-40% of cancers are due to unhealthy food choices.
Ultimately there is a proper treatment procedure for breast cancer, but along with this all of us get suggestions to follow a healthy diet while coping with breast cancer. But no one talks about the foods that need to be avoided by breast cancer warriors. This blog will introduce you to the foods that must be avoided while having breast cancer.
Foods to be Avoided By Breast Cancer Patients
Semi or Undercooked Food
The first thing you need to do after getting diagnosed with breast cancer is to avoid having undercooked or raw food because this is the stage where you are highly susceptible to infections. For that reason, you should stay far from raw foods such as sushi and oysters, instead, you can have food that is well-cooked at a safe temperature. A key note for you is to avoid foods that can not be peeled such as grapes this is why they might bring infections near you if eaten unwashed.
Also, you need to limit the intake of raw nuts, expired foods, and leftover foods that are generally stored in the refrigerator for more than 3 days.
You might be wondering how soy is associated with breast cancer, but incorporating soy products such as soy milk, edamame, and tofu is associated with the chance of having breast cancer but there is no complete research.
Research has been conducted by segment of test tube and animal studies which concluded that isoflavones, a compound found in soy products, increase the chance of having breast cancer because these isoflavones mimic the effect of isoflavones.
But as per the human studies spy cam helps you to lower the risk of having breast cancer.
Red and Processed Meats:
The third food you must stay far away from is red and processed meats because low dietary quality is associated with an increased risk of death and these red and processed foods are the foods with low dietary quality.
As per a study in 2019, 420000 women had a family history of breast cancer who were consuming red meat. This was concluded after observing them for about 7.6 years. And comparing women who eat red meat have a 23% higher chance of developing breast cancer than women who do not.
So keep yourself away from processed meats, such as hotdogs, sausages, and bacon this is because they contain high amounts of fats, salt, and preservatives that might increase the risk of breast cancer.
Alcohol should be avoided if you are someone with breast cancer because heavy alcohol consumption in the form of beer, wine, and liquor has the chance of interacting with cancer medicines by increasing the chance of reoccurrence or it can take you near death.
Also, increased estrogen levels due to excessive alcohol consumption damage your DNA. According to a few resources women who intake three alcoholic beverages will 15% increase the risk of developing breast cancer.
Spicy and acidic foods:
You should avoid spicy and acidic foods because they increase mouth soreness which is one of the common side effects experienced by people undergoing chemotherapy treatment.
Sugar is the thing that is known to increase unhealthy weight gain, so you should stay far from added sugars and sugary beverages.
Also as per a few studies, women who intake sugar during adolescence time are more likely to develop breast cancer in 16 to 20 years.
Processed and refined foods:
Whether you are a breast cancer warrior or not you should limit the intake of processed and refined food because as per a study in 2018 people who excessively consume processed and refined foods have 10% more risk of developing breast cancer.
These ultra-processed foods can be a key reason for you to develop various diseases.
Breast cancer cases are widely increased all across the globe but what can help you out is a healthy lifestyle. When you follow a well-balanced diet rich in nutritious foods that will keep you strong with a strong immune system while your chemotherapy is going on, also following a healthy diet can help you to reduce the risk of obesity which is one of the common causes of most cancers. So this is all about the foods to be avoided by breast cancer patients to have a healthy life!