The common cold is a problem that doesn't need any special introduction or a definition all people from youngest to eldest both male and female can experience the common cold several times in their whole life. While the common cold can be treated itself understanding everything about it can help people to manage this condition more effectively. So let's now understand the causes, symptoms, and management procedure for treating the common cold.

Understanding the Common Cold:

The common cold is mostly due to viral infection by the rhinoviruses in the upper respiratory tract. It is a spreading problem that can be spread due to coughing or sneezing by an infected person or maybe due to touching a contaminated surface.

Symptoms of the common cold generally include:

Runny nose.


Sore throat.



Mild body pains.

The common cold is commonly harmless, it can specifically bother a few people, especially when it disrupts our daily activities or results in complications which include sinus infections or ear infections.

cold images

Home Remedies for the Common Cold:

Stay Hydrated: 

Staying hydrated is best known to provide relief for people with the common cold. Drink optimum amounts of fluids, which include water, herbal teas, and clear broths, to help soothe a sore throat, thin mucus, and prevent dehydration.


Your body needs relaxation while having a cold, provide it the rest it desires to fight off the infection. Taking a day or two off from your work helps to relax and can help accelerate your healing and prevent the spread of the virus to others.

Salt Gargle: 

Salt gargling by mixing half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water can offer relaxation from the common cold.

salt gargling images

Steam Inhalation: 

Adding a few drops of essential oils such as eucalyptus or peppermint into the humidifier and inhaling it can also help to reduce nasal congestion and cold.

Honey and Lemon: 

Drinking warm water mixed with a tablespoon of honey and half a lemon squeezed in it can also help to reduce the common cold severity due to the soothing nature of honey.


Chicken Soup: 

It is the ancient method of reducing cold, it can assist in reducing symptoms of the common cold. Chicken soup offers hydration as it consists of vitamins and antioxidants that strengthen the body’s immune system.

chicken soup to control cold

Nasal Irrigation: 

Using a saline nasal spray or a neti pot can help flush out mucus from the nasal passages and relieve congestion. Make sure to use sterile water for proper hygiene and to avoid further complications.


Humidifiers or vapor help moisturize the air at your home or the place you stay and prevent dry air as it irritates the nose and throat.

humidifier to control cold

Herbal Remedies: 

The herbs and spices that we use in our kitchen on a daily basis such as ginger, garlic, and turmeric, have natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that strengthen the immune system and reduce cold symptoms. Including the mentioned herbs and spices can also help in reducing the severity of a common cold.


While home remedies can help provide relief from the common cold, medicines along with decongestants, antihistamines, and pain relievers can also help in reducing the symptoms of the common cold. However, it is essential to use them as prescribed by your doctor.


Finally, the best way to cope with the common cold is to prevent it from occurring. Maintain proper hygiene, avoid close contact with infected individuals, and maintain a lifestyle with a balanced diet, everyday workout, and proper sleep.


Common cold can be severe in a few cases, understanding its causes, symptoms, and management process can best help in reducing the symptoms and having a healthy and peaceful life. Do consult with a doctor as soon as you observe yourself with any severe symptoms.