Have you ever encountered anyone having fits? What will you do if a person is having seizures?

Have you often found a person who is extremely startled by flashing lights?

It is quite normal to feel startled when you experience such a thing.


     You need to know what seizures are, more commonly known as fits.

 An abrupt and uncontrolled burst of electrical impulses in your brain causes Seizures. They are categorized by a sudden change of behavior and even an uncontrollable shaking of the body as one loses consciousness. Normally, a seizure may last from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes. But if it lasts more than 5 minutes, the person requires medical attention immediately.

Now that you are familiar with seizures, let us talk about Epilepsy and how are seizures related to this disease.


It is a chronic brain disorder, and it is noncommunicable. Normally, epilepsy is characterized by recurring seizures. Here, the person completely loses consciousness and has involuntary movements. They also lose their control over bowel movements and bladder.
They are usually caused by higher amounts of electrical discharges in a group of brain cells.

Note: A person having seizures doesn’t signify that they have epilepsy, but if it is frequent and happens in episodes, then there might be a possibility.


How can we find out if a person has Epilepsy?


So, here are some signs you should be aware of:

1. Seizures:

As mentioned already, recurrent seizures are one of the biggest symptoms if a person has Epilepsy.

2. Temporary loss of consciousness:

Temporary loss of consciousnessWhen you feel like you’re gonna faint, and you lose consciousness for a long period, yet gain it back, then it might be a sign of Epilepsy.

3. Anxiety:

People with Epilepsy generally tend to have Anxiety as well. They are constantly worrying and are quite forgetful too. 

4. Depression: 

Like anxiety, people with Epilepsy also tend to have depression. People keep to themselves and often look sad and tired.

5. Constant Blank Outs:

People with Epilepsy also tend to zone out of situations and become busy with their racing thoughts.

How Common is Epilepsy in India:

Out of the entire population, around 10-12 million people suffer from Epilepsy in India.

So, what happens when you have an Epileptic Episode?

Epilepsy imageWe know that our brain cells send and receive messages from and to the body. The messages are transmitted through electrical impulses. So, epilepsy hinders these impulses, hence hindering their rhythmic pattern. This results in a burst of electrical energy within one or more groups of brain cells. Therefore, this results in loss of consciousness, and causes involuntary muscular movement.

Now, what are some triggering points that can induce epilepsy in a person?


1. Stress:

Taking a lot of stress can trigger Epilepsy.

2. Insomnia:

As the brain needs enough sleep to function properly, sleep helps the brain rest. When a person does not sleep properly or is an Insomniac, then it may trigger Epilepsy.

3. Flashing Lights:

Sudden flashes of light can startle an Epileptic Person, hence becoming a trigger point.

4. Alcohol or Drugs:

Substance Abuse can hinder the medulla hence triggering Epilepsy.

What are some of the common causes?


 Epilepsy Causes1. Genetics:

Epilepsy can be passed down through generations.

2. Head Injuries:

Any kind of head injury or a blow on your head can also cause epilepsy.

3. Brain Infection:

Infections like Meningitis, cause brain abscesses and can induce epilepsy.

4. Neuro-Abnormalities:

Any kind of hindrance or rupture in neurons also results in epilepsy.

What are the tests to confirm Epilepsy in someone?

Normally, epilepsy can be confirmed by an EEG or an MRI. These scans can give more clarity on why the person is having epileptic episodes.


Normally, Mental Illnesses like Epilepsy must be treated by a neurospecialist. If a person is having an epileptic episode, you should not panic, but immediately find a doctor. It is generally advisable that people should not take matters into their own hands in such sensitive situations.