Is it possible to lose weight through yoga?

Are you someone who can not do high-intensity exercises to lose weight?

And are you in search of simple yogic postures to lose weight?

So, why late in this blog we will understand about….

►Can we lose weight by doing yoga?

►Yogic postures for weight loss.

►Benefits of doing yoga regularly. 

Now, coming to the first question,

Can we lose weight by doing yoga?

Yes, of course, you can lose weight by doing yoga. Yoga has been practiced since ancient days and can help with weight loss as it is combined with physical exertion, mindfulness, and stress reduction. But it would help if you kept in mind that yoga can not burn as many calories as the high-intensity exercises do. Yoga can be defined as a balanced approach to weight loss. Now coming to the second part let's understand,

Yogic postures for weight loss:


1)Surya namaskar:

We’ve all heard this in the school time exercise classes, but do you know that it best helps with the weight loss process? Yes, doing the 12poses of the Suryanamaskar series for about 10 repetitions involves every part of the body burning calories along with increasing the heart rate and stimulating the digestive system.

Suryanamaskar poses




The second yogic posture that will be helpful for your weight loss goal is virabhadrasana, that's also called the warrior pose there are three poses in that virabhadrasana I, II, and III. These poses help build strength by involving the legs, abdomen, and arms muscles that tone muscles by burning calories. 

Virabhadrasana I II III

As shown in the picture you need to be in the pose for 30 seconds on each side and repeat it three to five times on each side.




NavasanaNavasana also called the boat pose is crucial to strengthening the core muscles of the abdomen. Also, it increases the balance your the bones of your legs and arms, improves digestion, and stimulates the thyroid gland.

You need to follow this pose for three sets for about 30-60 seconds as shown in the picture.



4)Setu bandhasana:

Setu bandhasanaThis is also called bridge pose and it targets the muscles present in the lower back, glutes, and thighs. The setu bandhasana is known to tone the muscles of the thigh and abdomen and it stretches the chest and neck to improve spinal flexibility.

So, you need to do this asana for about 30-60 seconds by repeating the same in 3 sets.




PhalakasanaDon’t think it's a complicated term that might be a complicated pose, phalakasana is nothing but the simple plank pose that strengthens the muscles present in the abdomen, arms, and spine. Also, it helps improve posture by strengthening the body.

Do hold on to this pose for 30-60 seconds and repeat it for about 3-5 sets for a perfect weight loss program.

Benefits of doing yoga regularly:

Along with weight loss yoga can help you with several benefits that include:

▶Regular practicing of yoga can strengthen your muscles and increase flexibility in joints thereby encouraging movement in joints.

▶As we’ve discussed earlier you can increase your posture and strengthen muscles present in the abdomen and lower back which is best helpful to lower your back pain.

▶As you practice meditation in yoga, it is best helpful to increase mindfulness (concentration and focus) by reducing stress.

▶According to a few reports yoga is known to reduce cortisol levels in the body lowering blood pressure and the impact of stress on your body.

▶While doing yoga you combine the physical exercises and mindfulness that are best helpful for your weight loss goal.

▶Breathing exercises such as pranayama are known to increase lung capacity and enhance overall respiratory health.

▶Also, yoga can increase your heart rate by improving your cardiovascular health.

Yoga routine for your weight loss program:






Monday Surya Namaskar 5 rounds 15 mins
Phalakasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Virabhadrasana I 3 sets on each side 1 minute per side
Navasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Setu Bandhasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Tuesday Surya Namaskar 5 rounds 15 mins
Phalakasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Virabhadrasana II 3 sets on each side 1 minute per side
Navasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Setu Bandhasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Wednesday Rest or Gentle Yoga - -
Thursday Surya Namaskar 5 rounds 15 mins
Phalakasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Virabhadrasana I 3 sets on each side 1 minute per side
Navasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Setu Bandhasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Friday Surya Namaskar 5 rounds 15 mins
Phalakasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Virabhadrasana II 3 sets on each side 1 minute per side
Navasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Setu Bandhasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Saturday Surya Namaskar 5 rounds 15 mins
Phalakasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Virabhadrasana I 3 sets on each side 1 minute per side
Navasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Setu Bandhasana 3 sets 1 minute per set
Sunday Rest or Gentle Yoga - -



So this is all about the yogic postures that will help you to lose weight, start with simple poses, and gradually increase the pace for an effective weight loss program. You need to be consistent by having patience to lose weight with yoga. Do incorporate these exercises into your daily routine and enjoy your weight loss journey!