“I am a bit OCD.”

 OCD imageHave you been hearing this phrase a lot of the time? Is it possible to be a little OCD? And why is the disorder being used as an adjective?


An abbreviation, that is thrown around randomly nowadays. What people do not realize is that it is an actual mental disorder that people suffer from, and is not to be taken for granted.

Therefore, in order to answer these questions and to understand this disorder, this article talks about the reality of OCD and what are some of the myths that we often associate OCD with.

Firstly, What is OCD?

(Full-Form: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. )

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type of mental illness when people have extremely compulsive thoughts and fears that occur in a pattern, so much so that they become obsessions. Generally, people with OCD have an aversion towards untidy places as they have a fear of germs. They can be called Germophobes as well. Not only that, people with OCD also tend to have everything in order. They become creatures of habit, and if this habitual cycle is hindered in any manner, they might act out violently as well.

Common Symptoms:


Being a germophobe


Being extremely controlling in situations


Aggression when things are not organized.


Unwanted Racing Thoughts


Recurring Stress


Continuously washing and cleaning


Religiously following a routine


Doing everything in a pattern

These symptoms can also lead to serious conditions. Patient might keep washing their hands till their skin becomes raw, and even try to harm others and themselves. This stage of OCD is very dangerous.

Now that we have a brief overview of the reality of this disorder,
Here are some myths that must not be understood as OCD.

OCD is just about being overly tidy or organized.

Yes, being overly organized and tidy is one of the characteristics of a person with OCD, but it is just a generalized notion. Not everyone, who likes being tidy and values cleanliness all the time, has OCD. As a matter of fact, people who have OCD can be extremely compulsive and may have it difficult to control themselves. It is not a choice of being tidy, but rather a mindset or fear of germs that makes them overtly clean.

People with OCD and Perfectionists are the same.

Perfectionist imageThis is a huge misconception that perfectionists are people who have OCD. Being a perfectionist and punctual is a deliberate choice people make in their lifestyle.
Being organized, and having everything under control is a great trait one can have, but it is not to be confused with a serious disorder.

OCD is just a pet peeve.

A pet peeve is anything in particular that a person finds quite annoying. When people talk about their pet peeves it can be something very personal to them. For example, chewing loudly can be someone’s pet peeve, which means that the person finds chewing loudly annoying. A pet peeve is not associated with OCD at all.

There is something called a “little OCD”.

Have you ever wondered when someone says that they are a bit OCD?

There is no such thing as being a bit OCD. When someone says that they are a little bit OCD about things, as in whenever there is a bit of unorganized subject or uncleanness.
This is a serious mistake people make without realizing that OCD is a disorder. Using it as a way to justify themselves regarding their “pet peeves” is not good.

OCD is just a by-product of anxiety

OCD & Anxiety imageAnxiety and OCD are not the same. Yes they share a few symptoms like racing thoughts and stressing a lot, but they are two different conditions with very different impacts on the mind. That is why one must not think that OCD is just another symptom of anxiety or vice-versa.

People can easily overcome OCD

Again, the misconception of OCD being a choice is the key factor in why people feel that this disorder can be overcome easily. Having OCD and living with it can range from a spectrum of showing no signs of it at all to being extremely sensitive that it becomes harmful to one. People with higher stages of OCD also have self-harming tendencies.

OCD cannot be treated

It is a common myth that people with serious OCD cannot be treated. With continuous cognitive behavior therapy, the patients can be trained to conquer their fears and bring ease to their minds. However like many psychological disorders, there is no permanent cure as of now, but therapy generally helps the patients.

OCD is easily recognizable

 OCD recognition imagePeople might think that OCD is very easy to catch in people, but it is not true. A person who appears quite normal can also have any stage of OCD. That is why it is important to understand the sensitivity towards people who have OCD.


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is one of the disorders that people take for granted, not understanding the consequences if it is left untreated or neglected. That has led to all these misconceptions. It is important to “bust” these myths and bring in more awareness amongst people.