Breast cancer is seen in most women all over the world. It can occur both in men and women but is less commonly seen in men. Breast cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the breast proliferate(grow rapidly) and form a tumor-like substance called a lump. Breast cancer victims can see the lump in any area of their breast. While the causes are not known yet, let's understand the stages and treatment procedures of breast cancer.

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What are the stages of breast cancer?

STAGES: There are five stages of breast cancer. Your treatment is done by understanding the stage and your medical condition because few people may have weaker immune systems and cannot undergo the treatment with heavy medication and high radiation.

STAGE-0:The Stage 0 indicates that the disease is not spread outside the tissues.

STAGE-1:In stage 1 the tumour size is less than 2 cm and not yet spread to any other body part.

STAGE-2: In the 2nd stage, there are two sub-stages called IIA and IIB.

      In IIA the tumour may be less than 2 cm and spread to lymph nodes or it may be between 2 cm to 5cm and is not spread to lymph nodes.

      In IIB the tumour is between 2-5cm and spreads to lymph nodes or it may be larger than 5cm but has not spread to lymph nodes.

STAGE-3:In stage three the tumour will be near tissue and lymph nodes at the armpit and collarbone. This stage is generally called the advanced stage of breast cancer.

STAGE-4:Stage 4 breast cancer is also called meta cystic breast cancer which means it has already spread to the liver, lungs, bones, and brain.

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If you have any of the symptoms like a lump on the breast or underarm, unusual nipple discharge, or changes in breast shape, size, and appearance then you must visit a nearby specialist doctor and the doctor will perform a few tests based on your health history as ultrasounds, MRIs, mammograms, or maybe a biopsy. After the diagnostic procedure treatment procedure begins. 

What is the treatment procedure for breast cancer?


It is the first step of treatment in breast cancer which is done by the removal of a tumor from the breast or any other area around the breast where the cancer cells are present.


In a few cases, radiation is done before surgery and sometimes it is done after surgery,  it destroys the cancer cells by the use of high radiation.


Generally, chemotherapy is recommended before surgery to shrink the tumor. It uses highly powerful medicine to prevent spreading to other parts of the body. There are a few side effects of chemotherapy which include hair loss, weight gain, nausea, etc.


It involves blocking the effect of estrogen or progesterone on the body by stopping the growth of hormone receptor breast cancer cells. Vaginal dryness, blood clots, and bone problems may be seen after the hormonal therapy. 

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Myths & Facts about breast cancer:

1)MYTH: Women only get breast cancer!

FACT: In rare cases, men can also get breast cancer.

2)MYTH: Every lump on the breast is breast cancer!

FACT: No, not every lump on the breast is breast cancer, it may be due to other reasons such as infections, cysts, etc.

3)MYTH: Only older females get breast cancer!

FACT: Age is no bar for breast cancer it may be seen in any age but most commonly in women aged above 50.

4)MYTH: Breast cancer can occur by wearing an underwire bra!

FACT: No, wearing an underwire bra can not be a cause of breast cancer as there are no reports supporting the statement. While it is recommended not to wear a bra at night and use a bra that fits you well for a correct posture.

5)MYTH: Only genetics can cause breast cancer!

FACT: No, a few people experience breast cancer without any history of that. So, not in all cases the breast cancer is genetic.