In today’s world of health staying fit and healthy is highly essential to keep us far from chronic diseases and unhealthy eating habits. The main root cause of most of the diseases is obesity or overweight. To maintain a healthy weight and proper lifestyle we need to follow a balanced diet. Also, if we are diagnosed with any diseases or health problems we need to plan our diet as per our medical condition. Diet alone can cure most lifestyle diseases such as diabetes blood pressure heart problems etc. Also, most hormonal imbalances such as PCOS and PCOD, thyroid,  and gout can be best cured by following a healthy diet. So here is the list of websites that provide the best diet plans for your unique requirements:


2)My fitness pal

3)Diet Doctor

4)Choose my plate

5)Precision Nutrition

Before selecting the website for the diet plan you need to keep certain things in mind such as your goals and your concerns. Every website has its features and services you need to focus on the quality of service and whether the service can be affordable by you or not, a customer-friendly user interface, client testimonials, etc. Now let’s dive into the websites that provide the best diet plans all over the world:



HealU is the first and foremost app to launch a free trial consultation for new customers. It provides the best diet plan consultations for every health concern of people. It provides several health benefits via different diet plans for each need such as keto, Intermittent fasting, medical diet (for every health problem), 45-day weight loss challenge, and weight gain diet plans designed by expert dietitians. Along with the customized diet plans HealU also provides doctor consultations for all types of unique health concerns of people. Do consult with the world's best nutritionist for all types of customized diet plans from HealU.

              Founded: 2021

              Services: Customized diet plans, doctor consultations, lab tests, calorie counters, and many more.

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2)My Fitness Pal:

My Fitness Pal aims to track the food intake of people and their daily activities by maintaining a database that can be accessed both by the user and the website. It calculates the energy intake and exercise for a healthy weight. It contains features such as a food diary, calorie counter, weight chart, exercise tracker, etc.

             Founded: 2005

             Services: Calorie tracking, nutrition tracking, exercises, customized diet plans, food database, etc.


3)Diet Doctor: 

The Diet Doctor website provides low-carb and ketogenic diets, and custom meal plans, helping individuals for their healthy and nutritious well-being. It best helps people with all types of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc. It helps in finding the meals as per your medical condition to maintain a healthy weight. It also provides daily health tips, recipes, expert guidance and support.

              Founded: 2011

              Services: Personalized meal plans, healthy recipes& meal ideas, expert advice, etc.


4)Choose My Plate:

Choose My Plate was developed by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) to provide all types of nutritional guidance for people. It aims to promote healthy eating habits and help people with nutritious food choices. It helps with the healthy tips that can be included in today’s busy lifestyle and health choices.

                 Founded: 2011

                 Services: Customized meal planning, nutritional education resources, healthy recipes, and cooking tips.


5)Precision Nutrition:

Precision Nutrition is a nutrition & coaching website that provides personalized nutrition and lifestyle modifications for a fit and healthy life. Also, it focuses on behavioral changes, mindset, and habit formation along with nutrition. Based on individual choices such as genetics, health condition, and dietary habits it provides the best nutritional guide. Precision Nutrition is there to help people transform their lives via proper lifestyle and helps professionals transform their businesses through nutritional coaching.


              Services: Nutrition Coaching, Nutritional certification etc.

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The above-mentioned are the best five websites that provide the best diet plans as per the custom needs of people worldwide, based on your individual preferences and unique health concerns you can approach the best dietician or a nutritional coach to transform your unhealthy self into perfect healthy wellbeing.