I have a hair fall problem and I'm using a vitamin capsule along with my hair oil!

Most of your friends might have told you this.

You'll be having doubts like....

Does vitamin E help to stop hair fall?

Yes, vitamin E stops hair fall by providing all health benefits for your hair and the scalp.

What is vitamin E?

Vitamin E imageVitamin E is an antioxidant that is a fat-soluble substance that is highly essential for healthy hair. Vitamin E generally exists in 8 different forms. The alpha-tocopherol is the form of vitamin E present in the human body. It is proven that vitamin E benefits hair with problems such as frizzy, damaged hair to shiny and healthy hair.  In this blog, we will delve into the benefits of vitamin E for hair growth

As per the National Institute of Health reports an average adult needs 15 milligrams of vitamin E in a day.

Benefits of vitamin E for hair growth :


1) Controls hair fall : 

Vitamin E control hair fall imageVitamin E helps in controlling hair fall due to the presence of antioxidant properties that reduce oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress is also a reason for hair fall. So vitamin E  reduces oxidative stress and controls hair fall.

2) A balanced oil production:

Vitamin E is best known to balance the oil production of sebum. The natural oil is produced by sebaceous glands. So when these sebaceous glands produce excessive amounts of oil the hair turns out to be greasy with clogged hair follicles and when the oil production is insufficient it results in dry and brittle hair. Vitamin E balances the oil production and keeps the scalp moisturized.

3) Blood circulation in the scalp:

Blood circulation in scalp imageVitamin E increases the blood circulation in the scalp which is essential to maintain hair health. Through the increased blood circulation the scalp receives enough amounts of all nutrients & oxygen.

As per a few reports in TROPICAL LIFE SCIENCE RESEARCH," Journal found that tocotrienol, a form of vitamin E, increases the hair count in people facing the problem of hair fall after 8 months of taking the vitamin E supplements.

4)Antioxidant nature:

As mentioned above vitamin E has antioxidant properties that reduce oxidative stress caused by free radicals. The unstable molecules due to the oxidative stress damage the hair leading to a thinner hair due to excessive hair loss. vitamin E neutralizes free radicals and promotes healthy hair growth.

5)Repairs damaged hair: 

Vitamin E has a repairing nature that repairs the hair damaged due to various factors such as pollution, UV radiation heat styling, etc. The hair that is prone to breakage and split ends can be restored by vitamin E resulting in shiny & strengthened hair.

How should vitamin E be used for hair? 

Although vitamin E can be obtained by dietary choices It can also be obtained by using supplements, oils, Shampoos & conditioners, hair masks, etc. 


Vitamin E foodsInclude vitamin E-containing foods into your diet such as :

Nuts & seeds: Almonds, sunflower seeds.



Green leafy vegetables: spinach, broccoli.

Vegetable oils: sunflower oil olive oil.




There are various forms of supplements available such as capsules & tablets. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any supplement to provide enough information regarding dosage & usage to avoid any side effects.

OZiva vitamin E capsules are known to control hair fall problems in most people which are rich in vitamin E.




Use products that contain vitamin E as vitamin E oil & a few shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks that contain vitamin E as the main ingredient will provide you with all the hair benefits that are needed.

BBLUNT intense moisturizing shampoo rich in vitamin E and jojoba oil is best known for providing hydration to dry and frizzy hair by strengthening the hair strands.



Are there any side effects of vitamin E?

Yes, there are a few side effects of vitamin E that you need to be aware of before using it on your scalp and hair. The vitamin E that is in undiluted form can lead to irritative skin or rashes on the skin.

Also, high dosages of vitamin E can lead to thyroid problems and bone weakness and even it can increase the risk of prostate cancer.

So after getting a clear idea of the benefits of vitamin E for your hair, it would be better to consult with a healthcare professional before using it in any form because a few people may be allergic to it. So do select and include in your routine as per expert instructions.