Summer is about to end! And so is the mango season. 

So hurry up and get the best benefits from the king of mangoes, Alphonso. 


Alphonso Mango, known as the “king of mangoes,” is an extremely exotic type of mango, It is famous for its exceptional flavor and rich, creamy texture. But besides being a summer delicacy, it is also a superfood. 

The Alphonso Mango

The Alphonso Mango, often called Hapus, originates from the western region of India, primarily the Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, and Raigad districts of Maharashtra. The name “Alphonso” is a tribute to Afonso de Albuquerque. 

Harvest Season       

The harvest period for Alphonso Mangoes falls from March to June. These mangoes are harvested in Maharashtra. The state’s climate and soil conditions of the coastal regions help in the proper ripening of these mangoes. Then these mangoes are handpicked with care to ensure they are fully ripe. These mangoes have a high export demand because of their smaller time window of availability. These mangoes are only cultivated in the Ratnagiri Area, and they retail quite fast in these months. 

Now That We Have Discussed some of the basics, let us talk about Nutrition. 


Here are the nutritional values of Alphonso Mangoes. 


Calories and Macronutrients

In terms of nutrition, Alphonso Mango packs a punch. It’s relatively higher in antioxidants and gives instant energy, making it a guilt-free indulgence. Each serving provides a decent dose of carbohydrates, fiber, and a touch of protein.

They are rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Alphonso mangoes are a good source of vitamin A, which is necessary for healthy vision, skin, and immune function. High in Vitamin C: These mangoes are high in vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron from plant-based foods and keeps the skin healthy.

Rich Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are the main agents that shield your body from unsafe free radicals. Because Alphonso mango is high in antioxidants, which aid in the fight against oxidative stress. If you want to include a tasty way of incorporating antioxidants this summer, then Alphonso Mangoes is a must. 


Now, let us look at all the health benefits of these mangoes. 


Great for your digestive health. 

Feeling a bit backed up? Alphonso Mango to the rescue! Thanks to its high fiber content, this fruit can help in digestion, prevent constipation, and help regulate proper digestion, especially in the summer. 

Fights and prevents cancer. 

These mango's supplement content has been displayed to support the body's fight against dangerous malignant cells. According to different studies, they demonstrated that mango may be beneficial in the treatment of early breast cancer as well. 

These Mangoes Boost Your Immunity System. 

As we already mentioned about the abundance of antioxidants and nutrients like Vitamin C found in Alphonso Mangoes, it is evident that they help in strengthening the immune system. 

Exotic fruits are almost seasonal all the time, and there is a big reason why. One must know how much to include such a rich and seasonal fruit in their diet. Therefore, you must also be aware of the potential side effects of this exotic mango.

Some Side Effects of Consuming Alphonso Mango

High Sugar Content: While Alphonso Mango is undeniably delicious, it's not shy when it comes to sugar. Always try to consume Alphonso Mangoes in moderation. 

Allergic Reactions: Allergic to mangoes? Proceed with caution. Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to Alphonso Mango, ranging from mild itching to more severe symptoms. Know your body's limits before you dive into consuming mangoes. 

Risks of Overeating: As the saying goes, too much of a good thing can be bad. Overeating Alphonso Mangoes can lead to digestive issues like bloating or diarrhea, thanks to its fiber content.

Acne Breakouts: Excessive consumption of mangoes can increase body heat, potentially leading to acne breakouts, especially in individuals with acne-prone skin.


Here is the nutritional profile of Alphonso Mango per 100 grams:





60 kcal


81.2 g


0.8 g

Total Fat

0.4 g


14.98 g

Dietary Fiber

1.6 g


13.66 g

Vitamin C

36.4 mg

Vitamin A

0.9 mg


156 mg


9 mg


13 mg


Recipes to Enjoy Alphonso Mangoes

Alphonso Mango Smoothie      


2 Alphonso mangoes, peeled and chopped

1 cup yogurt

1/2 cup milk

1 tablespoon honey

Ice cubes


Combine all ingredients in a blender.

Blend until smooth.

Pour into glasses and serve chilled.


Alphonso Mango Sorbet            


3 Alphonso mangoes, peeled and chopped

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup water

Juice of 1 lemon


Blend mangoes, sugar, water, and lemon juice until smooth.

Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Transfer to a container and freeze for at least 2 hours before serving.


It is always beneficial to include seasonal fruits in your diet as they bring about significant benefits, especially during the season. Do take consultation from the dietician to incorporate such superfoods in your diet properly.