Are you still worried about your skin not improving? Or are you tired of changing products, and trying all the home remedies for your skin? Is your skin texture not improving at all? 

Then it might be because you need a proper skincare routine.

Usually, we use random products or follow a skincare routine that might not even suit our skin. Knowing the right skin type, what it needs, and how to incorporate better components is key to better-looking skin. Maintaining a skin routine can be extremely hectic if one cannot follow a routine. This can cause a lot of irritation to your skin, and damage it. To improve your skin, you need to know your skin and be aware of all the signs that your skincare routine needs to change. 

So, here are some signs that your skincare routine is not working for you, and how to tackle them. 


1)Your skin keeps breaking out 

Your skin keeps breaking outOne of the most obvious signs that your skincare routine is not effective is if your skin keeps breaking out. If you find that your acne or pimples are not diminishing despite applying consistent skincare products, or if they are becoming more frequent, it may indicate that your products are not suitable for your skin type.

Why It Happens: 

Breakouts can occur due to a lot of reasons. It might be that your products might be too harsh. A harsh product strips your skin of natural oils and induces an overproduction of sebum. It can also be that the product itself might be too oily, hence clogging your pores. In some cases, an allergic reaction to certain ingredients could also be the reason. 

What to do?

Before purchasing a product, read through all the ingredients listed behind the product. If there are any harsh ingredients, then stay away from it. 

2)You notice redness and irritation 

You notice redness and irritationRedness, or a burning sensation after using your skincare products is a clear indication that your product is not good for your skin, as it is causing a lot of irritation. 

Why Does It Happen?

If the product you are using has any harmful ingredients such as alcohol, fragrances, and certain preservatives can be irritating. This is particularly true in sensitive skin. The irritation can also happen if you are over-exfoliating your skin with strong acids. Even physical exfoliants can disrupt the skin’s barrier, leading to redness and discomfort.

What can we do about it? 

There is a simple solution to this. Simplify your routine. Remove any such product that has the potential to irritate your skin. 

3)Very Dry or Very Oily Skin 

Very Dry or Very Oily SkinIf you have extreme dryness or oiliness in your skin, then it indicates that your skin’s balance is actually unbalanced. 

Why does it Happen? 

For overly oily skin, the products might contain a higher content of alcohol or any strong cleanser that takes away the natural moisture in your skin. This results in the skin compensating for excess production of oil  And, for overly dry skin, you might be using a very light moisturizer that doesn’t do anything to your skin, or replenish any moisture. 

What can be done? 

For dry skin, incorporate hydrating products like glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and squalane. Avoid hot water when washing your face, as it can further dry out your skin. For oily skin, use lightweight, oil-free moisturizers and avoid heavy creams. 



4)You usually feel that your skin is tight

You usually feel that your skin is tightIf you are feeling that your skin is tired or dull, then it might be because your skin is not being hydrated or you are not using the correct products. 

Why is it happening? 

If you are using a harsh cleanser then your skin might feel irritated. If you are not hydrating the skin enough, it might also feel dehydrated and dull. 

What should we do? 

Switch to a gentle, hydrating cleanser that maintains your skin’s natural oils. Always follow up with a suitable moisturizer for your skin type.



5)You have a lot of skin issues

If you are targeting specific issues such as hyperpigmentation, fine lines, or texture irregularities, and see no improvement after several weeks or months, your skincare routine may not be effective.

Why is it happening? 

The products you are using might not be good enough. It can also be that you might not be using them correctly. 

What can be done? 

Usually, it is preferable to consult a dermatologist if you are facing these concerns. Their recommended products can help reduce problems like hyperpigmentation, and fine lines.

Read more on skincare.


Identifying that your skincare routine is not working is the first step towards healthier skin. Persistent breakouts, increased redness, extreme dryness or oiliness, lack of improvement in specific concerns, and a general feeling of discomfort are key indicators that changes are needed. By carefully evaluating your products and possibly seeking professional advice, you can adjust your routine to better meet your skin’s needs, ensuring it looks and feels its best.