Construction is a field where risks are more and safety measures are highly essential, for a protective work culture. There are a lot of risks associated with construction work. The construction workers need to handle heavy machinery, they work at long heights which may lead to injuries and accidents if the safety measures are not taken well. Here are a few common construction field risks:

Heights working:

Working at heights may lead to accidents or even death. The risky places, poor protective equipment, and maybe unsuitable weather conditions can contribute to the risk to the people. Accidents such as fractures, head injuries, and spinal cord issues can also occur due to working at heights. In a few cases, it can even lead to death.

To prevent the risk of accidents people need to be provided with protective equipment such as protective nets, guard rails, protective dress code, etc. Before the work, the machinery needs to be thoroughly checked and workers need to be explained with basic safety measures to prevent the complications of injuries.

Electrical Hazards:

Electrical hazards are also seen in many cases of construction field work as the workers come in contact with all types of electrical instruments such as wires, faulted electrical equipment, or any improperly grounded electrical connections. These faulty systems can lead to serious electrical shocks and blasts. Working near the highly powered equipment near the water sources, broken electric wires can also contribute to risky electrical accidents.

To reduce the risk of electrical hazards safety precautions are essential such as proper grounding of electrical equipment, providing workers with safety equipment and personal protective equipment, and thorough inspection of the systems are essential to reduce electrical accidents. 

Struck-By and Caught-In/Between Hazards:

The construction fields have an environment that includes highly moving vehicles, equipment, and heavy objects that can lead to these types of accidents. Workers may stuck in between any equipment, lifts, or elevators due to faulty equipment which also needs to be managed before starting any work in the construction field.

To reduce the risk of these caught-in-between and stuck-up problems the area must be set up with a few traffic control pans, pedestrian walkways, protective fences, warning alarms, and a proper safety manual. Workers or employees need to be trained before assigning work to reduce the risk and prevent any other complications.


Handling Heavy Machinery and Equipment:

Construction field workers are involved in the use of heavy vehicles such as cranes, and bulldozers workers need to follow a proper protocol while handling this heavy machinery, their condition must be checked before(should be in proper working condition without any functionality issues)using the vehicles or the equipment. 

Exposure to Hazardous Substances:

Exposure to risky chemicals can lead to chronic diseases. The workers come in touch with chemicals such as asbestos, silica dust, lead, and toxic chemical substances that are present in paints and any other hard chemical-containing substances. Long-time exposure to those chemicals can lead to respiratory problems, skin infections, neurological disorders, and several chronic diseases. Proper ventilation dust suppression controls, and limited time chemical exposure can help in reducing the risk.