My hair fall has increased now!

How often do you feel this?

Most of us feel that our hair fall has increased in recent times. That may be due to several factors because numerous things affect the quality of our healthy hair.

Maintaining healthy hair needs consistency, using the correct product, and the everyday habits that impact healthy hair. Even tiny mistakes can lead to long-term damage to the hair. Here in this blog, we will understand the:

5 common hair mistakes you should avoid!


5 hair mistakes to avoid

1)Heat styling tools:

Aiming for a stylish look using heat styling tools has become a trend. Several heat styling tools include blow dryers, straightening irons, and curlers. Using these styling tools can give your hair a good appearance but also cause severe damage to it. 

High temperatures from the heat styling tools weaken the hair strands, drying up the hair, split ends, and breakage. Using these heated tools more often can lead to severe hair fall and irreversible damage resulting in a dull and lifeless look of hair. 

Tips: Use the heat styling tools not more than twice and include a heat protectant spray before using any heat styling tool. These protectant sprays will form a barrier that best helps reduce the damage caused by the excessive heat from the styling equipment. Could you try to use the minimum heat on the styling tool to reduce the damage? that will reduce the hair fall problem also the "BBLUNT hair protectant mist is known to provide the best protection due to the presence of grape seed oil and provitamin B5, it is suitable for all types and is free from sulfates and parabens."



2)Tight hairstyles:

Tight hair stylesThe tight hairstyles may give you a stylish look but equally, they are one of the reasons to damage your hair. There are several negative effects of tying the hair tight such as:

Reduced blood circulation: Tight hairstyles reduce blood circulation to the scalp which is highly essential for healthy hair growth. When blood circulation is reduced in the scalp it leads to weak roots of hair and also blocks hair growth.

Hair breakage: In the case of these tight hairstyles such as ponytails and braids we put a lot of stress on the hair strands by pulling them which automatically leads to hair breakage.

Tips: As mentioned before, we pull the hair strands to tie(affecting nerves and muscles inside the scalp)and then it affects the scalp by causing pain which can also cause headaches

Tying the hair tight can also cause thinning of the hair because a few people use extensions which add extra weight to the hair increasing the hair fall. Also, tight hairstyles may lead to several hair and scalp problems such as damaging the hair follicles, scalp infections, and weakened hair strands. 

Tips: The best way to prevent hair fall due to tight hairstyles would be to use fabric-covered elastic bands and avoid tight rubber bands. Also, keep your hair loosely tied during the night to prevent hair fall and promote blood circulation in the scalp.

3) Overwashing the hair:

over washing hairOverwashing the hair more than the required number of times can lead to increased hair fall because it causes stripping of essential oils present on the scalp. Sebum is an oily substance that is highly essential to maintain moisture in the hair. By overwashing the hair these oils get reduced leading to dry and brittle hair. Also, the lack of those oils can irritate the scalp and dandruff.

Tips: Wash your hair 2-3 times a week depending on your hair type. It is recommended for dry hair to be washed less frequently and for oily hair to be washed more often. Understanding the do's and don'ts of washing your hair and following the process as instructed can help you to control your hair fall and provide you with strong and healthy hair.

Try to use a gentle sulfate-free shampoo that does not strip off the essential oils from your hair. "Dove hair therapy breakage repair shampoo that is sulfate free and reduces the hair fall problem. Also, it nourishes and strengthens the hair strands."


Use lukewarm water or cold water to wash your hair as the hot water can increase the dryness in your hair.

4)Not trimming hair often:

Not trimming hair oftenNot trimming hair more often can also lead to hair fall because without trimming the split ends increase which blocks the hair growth. Regular trimming of hair promotes hair growth by cutting off the damaged ends of the hair strands. It also adds shape and definition to the hair by increasing good hair texture.

Tips: People with short hair can trim their hair every 4-6 weeks.

Those who have medium hair length can trim their hair every 6-8 weeks.

People having long hair length should trim their hair every 8- 12 weeks to prevent split ends and promote hair growth.

People with curly hair should trim their hair every 8- 12 weeks as curly hair is more prone to dryness and split ends. Also, people with curly hair have less visible hair growth compared to straight hair.

Read more on haircare.

5)Not oiling the hair 

Oiling the hair Last but not least, not oiling the hair is also one of the common mistakes everyone makes which weakens the hair.

Regular hair oiling is highly essential to maintain hair health, strength, and appearance. It provides deep hydration or moisturization to the hair by penetrating deep into the hair.

Hair oil nourishes the hair follicles by promoting hair growth. It also reduces dandruff on the scalp by moisturizing the dry and flaky scalp. Hair oils such as coconut oil and tea tree oil have antifungal properties that reduce the dandruff-causing microbes.


Also, hair oil promotes hair growth by increasing blood circulation in the scalp. Nutrients present in the scalp nourish the scalp and hair follicles providing thick and healthy hair.

Oils create a protective barrier around the hair strands that protects from harmful UV rays, pollutants, and damage caused by blow dryers and straighteners.

It reduces frizz by moisturizing the hair and also prevents split ends by enhancing the shine and a healthy scalp.

Tips: Oil your hair once or twice a week as oiling can lead to greasy hair. Slightly warm the hair oil before applying to allow deep penetration and then apply it over your scalp and hair strands and leave it for at least 30 minutes(overnight is preferable for good absorption). Rinse off the oil with a gentle shampoo to remove the oil residues. "The herbal essences Moroccan essential oil shampoo is gentle and is sulfate and paraben free helps in removing the oil residues on your hair."


Understanding these five common hair mistakes will help you avoid such hair mistakes and promote healthy and strong hair.